We usually just use beans or pebbles for the basic math facts. Straws or toothpicks rubberbanded together for grouping 10’s and 100’s works well too.
I do find a movable clock to be helpful esp when they are having to learn about “crossing” the hours (ie starting at 10:20 and adding 1 hour and 45 minutes). I have also found fraction circles to be helpful (although you could make these-I just happened to get a really good deal at a garage sale).
We use Cuisinaire Rods, Dominos, beads for counters, craft sticks, and a printed numberline. We had all these things except the Rods….. but I have to say the Rods get used the MOST.
Oh yeah, we also use hundreds charts for learning to count by 2’s, 3’s, etc. Just color have them color in every 2nd, 3rd or whatever number so they know which to “say” (don’t allow black or dark colors though : ).