Math Mammoth/Right Start users. S.O.S!!!

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Math Math Mammoth/Right Start users. S.O.S!!!

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  • NJcountrygal

    Last year we used RS level B and finished half. I purchased level C and was going to finish level B and start level C this year. Well, then we moved from NJ to TX late last summer, looked for a house, bought a house, repaired and moved into the house, went through the holidays………… Needless to say, we didn’t start school till January. After having been out of school so long I wasn’t feeling very confident about starting up again. I chose a math program that was very traditional because I wasn’t sure I would have the time for RS.

    My dd loves having math work pages!!! (Something that RS doesn’t have a lot of). I am not loving all the tweaking I have to do to avoid rote memorizing!!!

    I want to see if I can transition back into RS this next year, but find something that has work sheets for my daughters sake. Or, possibly start using a program that has mental math and work sheets??? I have been looking at Math Mammoth and it looks good. For those of you who use it, is there approach similar to RS? Does MM work well for supplementing? If so, which version?

    So, I am trying to decide between RS with MM as supplement or just straight MM? If you have experience with either of these scenarios please tell me what you think. I like RS, but would be willing to consider something similar with more worksheet practice.


    I have supplemented with MM while using RS, but it wasn’t a good fit for my boys and I felt like they weren’t learning or retaining as much or as well as they did with RS.  Starting in RS Level C they do ‘daily worksheets’ as well as a lesson (per the program).  I personally started them in Level B with worksheet drill sheets….very simple ones to start with, perhaps 15 to 20 problems, working up to 30 or so, no more than 5 mins worth of work.  Basic easy facts.  The purpose (in my mind) was to drill them so that the facts became memorized and they could do them faster each time.  I used the worksheets from Level B to and made copies for them to use over and over, as well as made up some of my own based on what they had learned in lessons.

    The most important thing I’ve learned with math is to do what works for your child, while still slightly pushing their comfort zone.  Mine have thrived with RS, but other kids have done well with other programs.  It’s also important to have a program that mom likes or else you’ll not want to use it and will skip days and such (I know this from personal experience!).    


    Partway through RS Level B they introduce practice sheets (that are in level B) – but aren’t mentioned much.  In theory you would do them daily.



    Right now I am trying to find a balance in each subject. I like RS and want to transition back into it. I already have B and C. I guess I didn’t expect my daughter to enjoy the math workbook so much. I know the reason she is grasping every new concept with no trouble is because of the work we did in RS and that is why I want to go back to it. I just want to fuel her interest also. This is why I am looking for something mental with worksheets or some worksheet supplement that I can add for her enjoyment. (For the first half of level B there didn’t seem to be a lot of worksheets.)

    Has anyone used the MM blue series just for specific topics of particular interest?


    Not to throw another wrench in your thinking but I switched to CLE math (Christian Light Publications) this year and it is work book pages that have mental math in every lesson. My DD10 struggles with the mental math part but I love that they have that.

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