Math Lessons for a Living Education anyone???

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Math Math Lessons for a Living Education anyone???

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  • my3boys

    Hi Richele,

    Hopefully the link works; I’ll check back in a bit to see what you think.  I’m excited to use a bit more of what I’m learning with my ds11, who struggles a bit with math, who will benefit from the oral work.  You mentioned how the lessons will need you to work with the child more, and that is true, but it has been a great time for us. I have plenty of “things” to use to work with my dc, but something is a bit different right now, which is has been great for us. I needed something awhile back that was less teacher intensive, but I’m finding I have more time to spend with them for math.  I think both of my younger sons need the oral work for awhile and I’m excited about having some “hand-holding” for me, in addition to the handbook.

    Whew!  Glad you got the “look” as well, thought it might’ve been just my ds, LOL.  Wait til I ask my ds11…that’s going to be interesting!

    Thanks so much!


    I’m not sure if the workbook above is here but overall the Ray’s books are cheaper at Rainbow Resource

    Happy Shopping!


    Yes, I do plan to buy from RR, when I do, but I just happen to have the link to the review workbooks and wondered what Richele thought about those. 





    The classic curriculum workbooks aren’t really review. They are worksheets to correspond with the lessons in ray’s arithmetic. Each lesson in Rays is approximately a week’s lesson. The workbook gives worksheets for every day. I think the idea is for the child to use them independently, but you could do them orally. Tests are included, too.


    Thanks! That is helpful to know.


    Are the workbooks necessary?  What would Charlotte say about them?  I look forward to Richele’s response…..


    I doubt they are necessary and from what missceegee is explaining, they are “practice” sheets for the lesson at hand.  I doubt Richele uses them as she has not mentioned them in any of her posts.  At this time I only have printed copies from Google Books of Ray’s so I don’t have actual printed books, yet, so I don’t know if I’m missing something from the lessons (they are super short, which is good, but…) and obviously I’m not as knowledgeable about CM’s math as Richele.  I was thinking that I would present the lessons as written in Ray’s until I understand more from the handbook and use the worksheets as I felt necessary.  My ds is loving the oral math for now, but I don’t really know what else to do with him…we are working on mastery of addition at this point (all I can do right now until I know more) and his brain is working hard at calculations in his head (we are using the manipulatives sparingly)…this has been good for him.  I’d just like to work with my ds11, as well, and, although he’d love the oral, he would like some worksheets as well from time to time.

    Back to Richele..I think she uses graph paper for the most part and probably zero pre-printed worksheets, but I know she isn’t against families needed to use what works for the child.

    I don’t know if this is making a hill of beans sense..I’m in a bit of a hurryLaughing.


    I’m not Richele and certainly not an expert in CM and math, but IMO the workbooks could simply be viewed as more practice and used in the same way you use Ray’s texts. I don’t think the written work is necessary and it makes it less CM IMO.

    Btw, There are only workbooks for grades 1-4. I used them with my oldest for a couple of years as workbooks with the text. I’m currently using Ray’s with dd6 without the workbook, but if I decide I want some extra practice problems to work through orally, the workbooks could be beneficial. I don’t intend to have dd6 do them on her own in writing.

    Amy Hardy Moye
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