Math for Struggling Learner

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  • jenicavk

    Hi! I have a six (almost seven) year old who is really struggling.  I decided not to start him in an official math program this year, but just continue to work on counting.  He still struggles to count to 10 consistently.  I usually do CLE math with our kids, but I think this will move too quickly for him.  Would SCM Arithmetic work for a child who really struggles or does anyone have another suggestion?




    <p style=”text-align: center;”>SCM math may work. You could go at his pace easier. Math on the Level is good, if you have time to plan and teach it.</p>
    Rod and Staff and Math on the Move have a slower pace.


    Thanks!  That gives me some options to look into.


    Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Mathematics 1 is another good choice.


    We love CLE math for the older student, too.  Not sure if it is still in print, but I start my dc math with counting bears and other manipulatives with books like Teddy Bear at the Fair.  SCM math is good to use a variety of manipulative like coins, buttons, beans, etc.  I haven’t used it, but I watched the teacher dvd, so I am familiar with it. You move at the child’s pace with whatever you choose to use.  Also, BFIAR has you counting items in picture books at storytimes, casually.


    Thanks for the suggestions.  I ordered the SCM Arithmetic, but the Teddy Bears and BFIAR sound like good extra activities.

    Paula Spicer

    I used McRuffy Press for math when my kids were small.  It uses tons of manipulatives, and it use to be reasonably priced. I haven’t looked at it for years.

    You can always slow lessons down if he isn’t understanding them.  You have plenty of time.

    One thing I did was use m and m candies or jelly beans for counting. If they go it right, they got to eat them.  Now we didn’t use them when counting to 100 so don’t throw stones at me. But I didn’t have a problem with sweeting it up to get my son to sit and learn.



    You can just slow down CLE and skip the speed drills. Use buttons, sticks, rocks, and beads to build the new math facts.

    I love Karen Rodriguez’s videos. She is so practical! 🙂 Here are a couple for math remediation. You could pause CLE, use Ray’s how she shows in her videos to get caught up, and then switch back to CLE.

    Aother option: There is a free book on called “First Year in Number”. It starts out teaching math through pictures so the child can see what numbers mean and represent. For example, one page has girls on a teeter-totter. There are some on each side and one standing in the middle. The text asks you to find 4 (the group of girls on one side), find 3 (girls on the other side), and 1 (the girl in the middle). Addition begins with pictures. If it wants you to add 2 and 2, it’ll say “What are (picture of 2 rabbits) and (pic of 2 more rabbits)?” Then beneath that it says “2 rabbits and 2 rabbits make __ rabbits.” 🙂

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