How many seconds do you give your child to answer each math fact? How many questions do you have them answer correctly? How many times do you have them type them when answered correctly?
I just downloaded this on our computer and am looking forward to getting started with it. We tried the sample online yesterday and DD said that she liked so hopefully that will continue!!
I have a 6th, 2nd, and 1st grader using this. I give 25 seconds, 50 questions right, and type it 2 time when they get a wrong answer.
When I first started this with my oldest who was super math phobic I gave her literally 60 seconds per question.
Another hint – less is more. Focus in on one set of facts and they’ll really master them. Then start the next set of facts, etc. Oncce you have a few mastered be sure you make a ‘facts review’ lesson they do every other day or less often to keep up on those facts (they’ll do fewer of each family that way, so be sure they’re mastered first).
We tend to do single fact family lessons daily and then twice a week do a review lesson with all past facts (still only 50 questions).