I’m trying to decide what to use for my kiddos this upcoming year. We’ve been using TT and its been successful with my oldest, who is 10, but my son, who is 8, has struggled with it. So, I’ve been looking into SCM’s Your Business Math and was considering giving this a try with him. However, in my searching I came across Math Lessons for a Living Education. Has anyone used this?
My other idea was to maybe just have him redo TT…at least redo the lessons he really struggled with. I don’t know. This is such a difficult subject for me because I always, and still do, struggle with Math and I hate to see my kids follow in my footsteps. Any advice/other ideas would be so very helpful!
We have had many math struggles. I’m using Math Lessons for a Living Education with my younger two. CM purists don’t like that it includes a story line, because that is not how Charlotte taught math.
I use it because my dd8 needs the distraction of a story, and the Godly example and excitement of the children in the story. It is similar to Math U See (which I use for my older kids), except that you make your own manipulatives or use household items.
Whatever you choose if your child is struggling he or she may need to do math with you, instead of independently.