Maps that go with History

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  • wehave8

    I got Visits to Africa to go with Gen.-Deut & Ancient History, but it doesn’t look like the maps go along with what we are studying.  Do you use another map program to learn about ancient times and places?



    We use the Uncle Josh’s map cd’s – they have maps from different time periods that you print. I think the MapTrek cd’s have many historical maps, as well.

    Lesley Letson

    Map Trek has a chart that lines up maps with some of the curriculums/time periods (I know TruthQuest is included).

    Sonya Shafer

    The lesson plans in Gen. – Deut. & Ancient Egypt include references to the book Then and Now Bible Maps, which is recommended and used to highlight the ancient places. The Visits to . . . notebooks focus on modern day geography.


    I’m looking at the maps suggestions.  Thank you!

    Sonya, that is exactly what I needed to be reminded of!  I was getting anxious because the book Then and Now Bible Maps hasn’t come yet and I had forgot about it.  🙂


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