My just turned 5yo DD has taken an interest in geography/map related things, asking lots of questions like ‘what direction is this?’, ‘what direction do lions live?’, etc. I’d like to get a good book about this subject, but all I can find at the library are mostly country-based. I’d like something with a broad overview of topical geographical terms, maps, globes, etc.
I know she doesn’t have to do this at her age, and it’s not for formal curriculum use. It’s just for our learning and enjoyment 🙂
Legends and Leagues from Veritas Press – I have not used this, only thumbed through it at the store, but it looked great. Incentive Publications has a workbook called Basic Not Boring Map and Geography for K-1st which is very good. Four of my kids have worked through it and it was enjoyed by all of them. You can buy it as an eBook. Incentive Pub used to let you viewthe entire book online before buying. If they still have that feature, you can take a look and see if it’s right for you.
This sounds like my daughter! Where is India? Is our neighborhood that way (pointing almost always the correct direction, how does she know? My sense of direction is TERRIBLE) I have a companion book to the Little House books and it has a map with all the places they lived and she loves it, she is always sneaking it off the shelf to “read” during nap time. I think we might do exactly what you are talking about for year 0, a basic geography overview. Learn the oceans, continents, that sort of thing.
You could look up Charlotte Mason’s Elementary Geography. It is free online. It’s very conversational and covers the basics like you mentioned…directions, the globe, etc. I plan on using it with my 6 year old this year. We have a globe and so far I’ve just tried to explain certain ideas to her when she is interested and we look up where grandpa lives or so and so (or if we’re reading a book that talks about a specific place) and really try and find it on the map. Then I can lead into directions or how the earth revolves around the sun, etc. HTH 🙂
I noticed on the CM Help site, they learn the continents for K or 1st. I thought that would be a great place to start map drills! When we used Five in a Row, I’d hand them a continent circle with tape on the back. They’d place it in the correct spot on our world map.
I also love FIAR’s idea of adding map labels for the books they read…you could do that with any books you read this year. Or you could add pictures of relatives that live far away.