Map work w/ Genesis-Deut & AE

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  • Okay..I know I am probably making this too hard but…that is what I do. If I want to incorporate map work, map drills, while doing the Genesis-Deut/AE Guide would I get the Uncle Josh’s? Do they have maps of Ancient Egypt and Africa? Also..what do you use for your “answer” map, where do you get a detailed map for this particular study. I know I have asked this before just not sure how detailed you get w/ this.

    I seem to make things too hard but for some reason this is just stumping me and I am not “getting” it. I have read the post on SCM about Geography. I have gone to the “free” sights people recommend of maps but I just am curious…if you want to use a book or atlas what would you get to go along w/ this study.

    I am trying to save some money but…really want maps I can print off, as I will be doing this w/ 4 children and a good “labeled” map of that area. you only have them label maps of that time period, do you help them see how it has changed from then and now or is that too much?

    I got the Knowledge Quest maps as a download as I thought that would same me some $ but they only label a few things on each map, it didn’t seem very detailed.

    Okay..thanks for your help!!



    Wife of Clayton for 18 years, mother to dd14, dd13, ds10, dd7, dd4, ds2 and baby 4 months.

    Sonya Shafer

    Hi, Kim –

    Let’s see if we can help answer your questions . . .

    If I want to incorporate map work, map drills, while doing the Genesis-Deut/AE Guide would I get the Uncle Josh’s? Do they have maps of Ancient Egypt and Africa?

    Uncle Josh’s Outline Map Book is very handy, especially in CD format. You can just copy or print the maps as you need them. Yes, it contains maps of Africa and Ancient Egypt. Another option is to just Google “Africa blank outline map” or whatever country you’re looking for. Usually you get several images that you can then select from and print. Uncle Josh’s book would save you time in that respect, but the Google search results would be free. So you can decide which route you want to take.

    what do you use for your “answer” map, where do you get a detailed map for this particular study.

    I got one of those big world maps from Wal-Mart (the one that’s about four feet wide when unfolded). I think it cost about $5. We use that as our “answer” map for all of our map drills. I just fold it to highlight the continent that we’re working on.

    For the Egypt salt dough map project, check out the Bonus Features page for the Genesis through Deuteronomy book. It has some helpful links that will give you an idea of Egypt’s terrain.

    do you only have them label maps of that time period, do you help them see how it has changed from then and now or is that too much?

    Great question. Usually I try to focus mainly on the map area of the time period we are studying. The living history books help make that area of the map come alive. One resource that we recommend for the next module (Joshua through Malachi & Ancient Greece) is Rose Publishing’s Then and Now Bible Maps. It’s great at showing how the boundaries have changed from Bible times up to now. Since Egypt’s boundaries haven’t really changed names, we didn’t include it in the Genesis through Deuteronomy study. But it would be a very helpful resource to have, and it’s recommended in the Joshua through Malachi lesson plans (and I plan to include it in the Matthew through Acts & Ancient Rome lesson plans too).

    Hope this helps!


    That was very helpful for me also! Thanks Kim for posting the question and Soyna for the detailed answer.


    Thank you Sonya!!! I know a lot of that you had already told me..sometimes it takes a few times and it “clicks”! I appreciate your time. I had been looking at the Then and Now book as it now comes w/ a CD so..I will get that. I also have a world map so that should be all I need.

    Thanks again!!!


    Doug Smith

    Some of you may be interested in the amazing and free Google Earth software if you haven’t tried it yet. (You’ll need a fairly modern computer to run it.) It’s great for both free exploring and more directed study.

    There are some good examples and tutorials over at Google Earth Lessons. I’ve also seen overlays you can download showing things like historical maps, Bible places and borders, places quoted by Shakespeare, Lewis and Clark expedition, etc.

    I don’t remember all the links so you’ll have to Google around to find what is useful to you. For example I just Googled “Ancient Greece google earth” and found several possibilities including virtual tours of ruins and historical overlays.

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