We’ve gotten to the map drill section of module one. Can someone tell me if I did it correctly? I have a 6 and 4 year old. I gave the 4 year old a map with the countries written in and asked him to find Egypt, the one that starts with E. I helped him find it and he colored it. I gave my 6 year old a copy without the countries written. I asked her to copy the word Egypt on her map and color it in. That’s all I did.
Next week, do I give them blank maps and ask them to see if they can remember where Egypt is? And have her copy it again? It’s not liekly she will know how to spell it since spelling is new for her. Then give her a new country to find? Seems too simple to be correct ; )
We made the salt dough map of Egypt which is why I picked that one to start with. So far, we are really enjoying module one! I love reading from the “real Bible” with her. She often wants me to continue reading even when it’s time to stop.
Some moms have told me they had good success using country labels with their younger children. The child takes a little paper with “Egypt” already written on it (or whatever countries you have identified) and places it on the correct country on the map. That eliminates the spelling issue.
So would I make a copy of a blank control map and then let her pin the labels to the country? Also it says on the web page they are for use with the puzzle, I wonder how you use them together?