Mama's summer reading has begun….

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Let’s Chat Mama's summer reading has begun….

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  • cedargirl

    So I just finished the first two chapters of A Charlotte Mason Companion – The Gentle Art of Learning – Karen Andreola. I haven’t read it in 5 years. WOW, have I let things get sloppy, lol. BUT I am SO inspired! It is like a breath of fresh motivation. It is a good decision for me to re-read.

    What are your summer reading plans?

    What are your home school refresher books?



    That’s such a good book!  For homeschool refresher, I just finished re-reading CM’s volume 6 – it was just what I needed to feel more confident about the CM process.  The main thing that stuck out to me was to read a passage only once and then ask for a narration as that will force them to pay attention the first time.  I want to re-read volume 1 – it is on my Kindle just waiting for me! 

    I am also reading several good books –

    Listening to the Language of the Bible by Lois Tverberg…oh this is just so so good!  It is a little book of insights into Scripture meanings from the Hebrew language and culture.  There have been several times that I have just had to put it down and worship the Lord!  I found it on the Heart of Wisdom’s page…do any of you have any other suggestions for Hebrew studies?  I find this very new and fascinating!

    And, for fun I’m reading He Knew He was Right by Anthony Trollope – I watched the movie on Netflix instant play and then figured I should read the book.  =)  I guess I went about that backwards this time, but actually, they seem to have done a fairly accurate job with the movie. 

    Can’t wait to see how the rest of you reply…I love books…

    Oh, and just a plug for a Kindle/other e-reader…I have a newborn baby and it is so very wonderful to read while I nurse…much easier with my Kindle than holding an actual book!



    ‘A Charlotte Mason Companion’ is exactly what I’m reading as well! I read the first several chapters last year then put it down because I was apparently not ready at that time to fully immerse our homeschool in the CM method. Well, thanks be to God I am finally ready. I am sooooo loving Karen A’s book! Yes, so inspiring and exciting. I’m up to the chapter on poetry currently.

    My summer reading will not be very exciting to anyone but me. I need to read up on Sensory Integration Disorder since my son suffers from this.’The Out-of-Sync Child’ is my choice for that subject.

    Ooh, I am very excited to have at my fingertips, still in cellophane, ‘The Original Homeschooling Series’ by CM. Can’t wait!

    My beautiful copy of Jane Eyre that I began this spring will have to wait upon the headboard of my bed until these more important books are read.


    I wanted to bump this post. I am browsing new stuff ( or even old ) and want to see all the moms’ favorites!

    It’s been a while since I read the Charlotte Mason Companion, I think I will dust that one off my shelf and give it my attention again.

    Anyone else?


    My homeschool reading at the moment is my second pass through Lee Binz’s Setting the Records Straight.  My “serious” book at the moment is David McCullough’s new book, The Greater Journey, about Americans in Paris in the nineteenth century.  (It’s fabulous!) My fun one since Sonya reviewed it so well for me is I got What We Eat:  Around the World in 80 Diets, ILL from my library.  Then I promptly ordered my own copy.  It’s fascinating!


    I just began to read Ishmael by EDEN Southworth for the fifth time. It’s my all-time favorite book. I’m also re-reading Home Education in preparation for leading a book discussion that begins next month and Shakespeare’s As You Like It in prep. for our new Shakespeare class.


    I have to pick up the What We Eat also from the library as I’m now excited to see it.  I really like his other work.  They are very conversational books.

    I know this is not great literature or even good, but I love this author’s series (not her stand point necessarily so let’s try and look past that shall we so I can be honest of my love for this type of book) Iris Johansen, is putting an end to one of her main characters who I have followed and is finishing it up with a trilogy.  Book 2 I just got from the library.  I will devour it in 2 days!  Saturday can’t come soon enough. 

    Ok, so I have confessed this and can breath!Embarassed


    by I look like a foul compared to your books.  YIKES, but oh well we can’t all read great books someone has to read the inbetween stuff once in awhile.


    lol, no worries SAHM..if you could see my KOBO reader and all the ‘stuff’ on it you would feel very relieved 🙂 I tend to need to read things that don’t cause my brain to think too hard once in a while, plus I love to be entertained and I am not much of a TV watcher, well, most of the time;)

    I am rereading for the 3rd time When Children Love to Learn..I love love love this book since I got it from a friend as a gift (thanks cedargirl!) It is a practical how to application of CM’s teachings, with excerpts and writings from tons of educators, parents etc..wonderful book:) Not so much mother culture as The CM companion, but just my style..

    link is from the Canadian Amazon site

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