Making Math Meaningful

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  • gcbsmommy

    I am excited to begin homeschooling my rising 2nd grader this year! 

    I am very excited about employing CM’s wonderful methods, but I do have a concern about math.  I purchased the Making Math Meaningful curriculum at our recent homeschool convention.  This curriculum recommends teaching math 2-3X per week with 1.5-2 hour lessons each time.  This of course flies in the face of CM’s recommendation of short lessons.  The author of MMM says to break up the lessons into shorter segments would fragment the lessons into meaningless parts.

    Has anyone been able to use MMM successfully – breaking the lessons down or doing the 1.5 hour lesson? 

    I am on the fance about moving forward with this curriculum or switching to another one before the school year begins.  I want to make sure we get off on the right foot.

    Any thoughts or suggestions are greatly appreciated!


    (Grace, Claire, Benjamin and Susannah’s mommy – gcbsmommy)



    Michele Barmore

    I don’t have any encouraging words for you– sorry.

    We tried MMM way back before we found out about CM.

    It was a nightmare– the lessons were confusing to the children, and after 20 minutes they were glazed over of course.

    And the higher up grades were even worse.

    I couldn’t even explain the lesson myself most of the time.

    They were expensive– but I had to ditch them.

    Have you seen the Math Mammoth website yet— I recently found it– I read a ton of reviews on it yesterday. Very good reviews.

    CM friendly– easy for mom– and cheap. You can download, buy the cd, or a book.



    Thank you so much for your feedback, Michelle!  Good, bad, or indifferent, I definitely want to hear it.

    Part of what drew me to MMM was that it was comparatively INexpensive without a ton of manipulatives and gadgets to store.. I tried the first lesson with dd yesterday.  I introduced the concept, had her practice it and do one of the worksheets all in about 30 minutes and she would have kept going if I let her….  There IS more to do to complete this lesson – WAY too long in my opinion!

    I do think we have to be prepared to switch in the long run – I have heard so many negative things at this point.  I will check out Math Mammoth.

    Would love to hear additional comments if anyone has any.  Thanks again, Michelle!





    Sorry – that should have been MICHELE with ONE L!  I apologize!  🙂

    Michele Barmore

    And you never know— just because we didn’t like it— it may be the perfect fit for your family

    I probably was a bit to negative about it in my post— I need to be more careful about that


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