Making An Ancient History timeline with homeschool in the woods timeline figures!

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  • caycecronk

    Ok, so after purchasing so many materials from different resources and not finding what we really wanted we finally found some beautiful timeline figures that we think will work for us. They are beautifully made from homeschool in the woods. We are having to start over with our concept for a timeline! I ordered the pre printed figures that were too big for my history odyssey timeline. Now I am stuck at starting over! Not sure how to create a timeline that is not too big to put on the wall but one big enough to contain all the great figures that came from our set from homeschool in the woods. I have made a decision to make this a summer project for us as we have yet to start any kind of timeline!


    Ideas and help from anyone would be appreciated! I thought about trying to make one accordion style with poster boards that we can bring out when we want or hide away when we want to. I don’t want to start a BOC until we start module one again when my son is older. I don’t think he is ready to do a BOC and want to keep it simple yet beautiful and to keep the cost down!


    I made an accordion style one using a roll of brown packaging paper from wal-mart. I folded the whole role accordion style, then glued on front and back covers made from foam board. When it’s closed up it looks like a giant book. You can use it either by turning the pages or spread it out completely. I made it for a co-op project and then we didn’t have the class. Its just been sitting practically empty for two years. I think you’ve inspired me to get it out and have my younger kids do it as a summer project. We have the same timeline figures as you and I think they’ll be perfect.


    I made an accordian style timeline out of posterboard last year (our year 1) and I want to throw it away now!  It honestly just gets too chunky and heavy.  You can’t look at the whole thing unless you unfold it all, which is an awkward pain, and you can’t flip through it like a binder because it doesn’t have a spine.  I’m so irritated with the whole thing.  If I was starting over (tempting!!!) I would just print out the free BOC pages and put them in a plain binder for now.  If you want more space per century for the figures, you could take blank cardstock or just heavyweight paper and date it yourself  at the top in whatever increments you want.  Oh, and it’s super easy to shrink the figures with a copier if you need them to be smaller. 

    Just my 2 cents. 🙂


    Did you get the timeline cd? Couldn’t you print them at a smaller scale?

    I spent a long time delaying doing a timeline because i wanted to do it perfectly. I finally gave up that idea and just started.

    Each of my kids this year got a timeline binder. Each week they give me a list of things they want to add. I do agoogle search, find pics, make them about the same size, add name and dates, print. They cut them out and glue them. They enjoy it, and often look to see what is happening at various times.


    We have the Homeschool in the Woods CD and their timeline books for each of my four dd’s.  I bought the books some years back, probably when they first came out.  They have stood up and are very sturdy and beautiful to look at.

    I’m going to be doing Stories of the Nations with our co-op next fall and I want the kids to make timelines or purchase them.  

    So does anyone have a successful folding system for the accordian style?



    I’m thinking of just getting a book and at least do a family boc at this point! I’m so frustrated with the whole timeline thing! What Boc did you guys like best. Homeschool in the woods has one and here at scm has one! Wish you guys could share some pictures of your wall timelines to give me inspiration!


    I bought just the pre printed wall timeline figures and not the cd! Just was out of our budget for now! Wandering if these would be too big for a BOC! I wish I owned a copying machine. I do most of my copying at the library!


    I’m throwing in the towel and we are just gonna stick to doing a family BOC for now! I’m happy and peaceful with that decision. Just ordered one from scm!! It should be beautiful for our family and when the kids are older they can start there own. Case closed! Phew!

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