I am at the end of my rope. My dd, who is 11, won’t read unless I assign her something to read. She likes books on tape or when we read aloud, but not actually doing the reading herself. She can read just fine and her sight is good. We lots of great books, but she would rather play with her brothers, who are seven or look at magazines. We do have video games and TV, but it is limited to the weekend. I am beginning to dispair that she will ever love to learn or love to read. ( we are using My Father’s World curriculum, Creation to the Greeks, just so that you know we don’t use textbooks or workbooks)
Some people just don’t like to read, I think, just like I don’t like to do some things. But if you are modeling a love for learning and reading, and she is enjoying good literature via her assignments, your read-alouds, and audio, I think you are well on your way. This will become a part of who she is and her memories will be sweet ones.
On the practical side, here is a hodge-podge of thoughts: Does she actually resist assignments or just not go out of her way to read on her own? Does she get to select some of her own books? Not knowing what types of magazines she enjoys, I will go out on a limb and suggest that you can make most anything cm-friendly, even on a very small scale, by using what is there and branching off into some research on something that has caught her eye or doing a project suggested in the magazine.
As for the playing with brothers, I’d encourage that relationship-building. That, too, can provide opportunities for modeling love for reading as you suggest they might do some dress up/acting or do a project suggested by some reading you have done (make Almanzo Wilder’s breakfast, for instance – then read a health book :)). Or get her to read something to them in the role of student teacher.
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