I stumbled upon this website and it has truly been a God send. Wow! I am so thankful for the SCM team and all their hard work and wonderful resources! What an extraordinary blessing. THANK YOU!!
I know what you mean!! This site is wonderful. I am following the SCM curriculumguide starting in the fall. I have everything purchased and I am enjoying looking through everything to get ready to start with it. What a blessing it was to find it!!! I am moving from an eclectic with a dasch of CM to all CM and I am looking forward to it. I love all of Sonya’s books and dvd’s.
I just finished the All Day CM Seminar today and absolutely loved it. I have purchased quite a few things recently. I am just in awe as to the amount of work that had to have gone into all this and to offer it to us at a very humble price is just amazing. I can’t say enough. It has truly simplified switching to a CM homeschool. And my children are loving the changes!!!
I too “stumbled” on SCM website and am so grateful for it! I found it before I even started homeschooling so we started with this right at the beginning and I LOVE it! I can’t say enough either on all the work that has been done for us and offered at such a reasonable price. Wonderful. I tell all my homeschool friends about it.
Me too!! I just finally ordered the All Day Seminar and there are at least nine of us – all within a 25 mile radius – getting together to watch next month…and three more that I know of to borrow them later! This site is new to all and those who have checked it out a little bit really like it too. We love that it seems so doable! I’ve always loved CM but this makes it seem easy.