Lots to chose from…

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  • Nina

    I have read some past posts that mentioned several “language lessons” books.  What makes them different from eachother?  Better than a different one?  My children are 7, 8, 11 (and preschool).

    The ones I’ve seen are:  EFTTC, SPLL and SILL, Sheldon’s LL and Sheldon’s Advanced.  I think that is all?????


    I would be interested in responses to this as well.  I will have a 2nd grader this fall and starting “beginning grammer” with her.  I am leaning hard towards Sheldon but enjoy having options and studying options.  I will ask with Nina, are there any other choices similar to these?

    I  used Queen Homeschool’s Language Lessons for the Elementary Child and For the Very Young last year.  They incorporate Picture Study in them, the pictures are great.  They have phonics in the younger one’s and grammar in the older.  They have copywork, recitation,  and dictation in older.  I liked the pictures in these the best.

    I used this year  Intermediate Language Lessons by Emma Serl but made into a workbook form by Living Books Curriculum.  Here is a sample of this one:


    Both of these are workbooks that you can write in, I like this better as it helps me keep track of all the pages. 


    How about I add more to the mix? I’m not familiar with these beyond the brief samples available, but they looked CM:

    Language Lessons through Literature Vols. 1 & 2, for grades 1-2 by Kathy DeVore:


    It has copywork, some narration, poetry, Aesop, some work with chapter books in Vol. 2, beginning parts of speech in Vol. 2.

    Living Literature Grammar and Language Arts Packets (gr. 3-4) by Cindy West:




    I use Emma Serl’s Primary Language Lessons. It is an old text and may be available online. We do most of it orally, but skip the dictation as we use Spelling Wisdom for that.



    We do not use a formal grammar program, but we love the grammar books by Ruth Heller.  Some titles we have are: A Cache of Jewels (collective nouns),

    Behind the Mask (prepositions),

    Kites Sail High (verbs),

    Many Luscious Lollipops (adjectives).

    There are more we’re planning on buying.  She makes such gorgeous pictures!


    Oh, we love the Heller books, too!

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