Lost Tools of Writing … anyone used? High school student help needed!

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  • livken

        Just wondering if anyone has used or seen the Lost Tools of Writing? I have a 16 yo boy coming back from PS next year who is a pretty terrible writer 😉 He has alittle experience with IEW and said he does not want to do that. He said he would prefer choosing his topics. I am good with that, but I need some direction to help him organize his thinking and writing. He seems to be very scattered in his thinking – he may have some ideas, but it does not translate to paper. I have read that Lost Tools helps kids think things through.


    Or maybe some type of logic course would help? The Art of Argument or something from Critical Thinking?


    The other courses I have lined up for him next year are Notgrass’ Exploring America at half speed along with their Government book, Biology 101, and Math U See Pre Calc. He’ll also be working on his guitar and he wants to do something in carpentry or woodworking for an elective.





    I’ve not used it, but have researched and am impressed w/what I see…considering it for h.s. (just not there yet).  I haven’t figured out whether using it will be necessary since we’ll be doing logic courses…I hope you gets some answers:) As far as getting kids to think and translating it to their writing, it appears to be top notch. Their yahoo group is very helpful…Andrew Kern sometimes jumps in, too.  And when I e-mailed a qu., I believe it was his son who very promptly replied.  Best wishes:)  Gina


    Bumping … any other thoughts?




    I’m interested in the Art of Argument, too. Any news on that program??


    He can use his own topics and still use the structure/stylistic techniques of IEW. That’s how my kids write for the 101 series, etc.

    There is an inexpensive program listed in the SCM free curriculum guide under the English Grammar section for 11th/12th grades that might work for you. One is for writing, the other for research papers. I am unfamiliar with them.

    I have a nice book for writing research papers that was cheapo from Christian Liberty Press that we will use. You might also check with Rod and Staff. I ordered a small pamphlet from them at on writing and it helped my children tremendously! It explained the process in terms of writing a letter to a friend. (How to make complete sense and sequence things in order for the reader to understand your paper).




    Teaching the Essay and Teaching the Research Paper (the one on the SCM guide) are pretty straight forward and broken into small chunks. I did not end up using it but had it in my hands to look over.


    There is also the Essay guide from Epikardia that I know I have seen mentioned here before.

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