Losing data with canceling subscription

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  • eawerner

    I’m not sure the CMO will be in the budget this year though I really love how easy it makes things! I especially love the reports I was able to generate to show just how much we had actually accomplished. The FAQ says that all my data may be deleted if I don’t renew. Does this mean I won’t ever be able to get last years reports again, even if I am later able to squeak the CMO into the budget?


    Bumping in hopes you’ll receive an answer.


    I’ve started and stopped my subscription several times due to internet issues, and my data has always been there waiting for me when I came back. But if it is in the FAQ’s I can see why you’re concerned. Maybe Doug or Jordan will see your question soon and be able to give you a more concrete answer. 

    Jordan Smith

    Your data may be deleted if your subscription isn’t renewed, but we keep everyone’s data for at least a year after an account is canceled or expires. We try to make it so you can come and go as you please, whether that’s because of budget concerns, internet connection issues, or just because you want to take the summer off and don’t need to subscribe for those months.


    You can also make reports for a whole year at a time for each student – and save the pdf file. So at least you would have a record of what you did. 

    I have also cancelled for a few months and when I subscribed again all my info was there 🙂


    Thanks 🙂

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