Looking forward to the Charlotte Mason Convention in Virginia

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Educating Looking forward to the Charlotte Mason Convention in Virginia

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  • blue j

    I was curious if anyone else will be attending the Childlight USA conference in Ferrum, VA in June. There is an immersion group for older students which Nancy Kelly will lead and one for younger students as well the day before the convention.  Even though I’ve been teaching using CM’s methods broadly in our homeschool for over 5 years and in small bits for most of our homeschool career before that, I am so excited to participate in this group as well as the other seminar classes. Laughing

    It would be nice to meet up if anyone else is attending.



    When and where is the conference?


    I’m going! Finally! This will be my first time. It has always fallen on my sin’s birthday but it’s a week later this year! 🙂


    I’m going with a friend who co-leads our CM co-op. we are doing an immersion group too.

    On another note, I’m hosting Sonya and the SCM team in Jacksonville, Florida in August if that’s closer for anyone.


    Actually it has fallen on my SON’S birthday. There. Now you all know how much I hate computers. 🙂

    blue j

    Christie, all three of us from Ambleside Education Group have desired to start a co-op so we’re very happy to see the seminar dedicated to that endeavor as well as the immersion group which will come in handy.

    vissere – Here is the link to the website.  The dates are 6/13 – 6/15 in Ferrum, VA on a college campus whose name I can’t remember.

    Robin – Laughing

    blue j

    LOL… and now I’m embarrassed since the name of the college is…. FERRUM College.  You’d think I could remember that.EmbarassedUndecided


    I am not on this forum often, but plan on being there. I am from the Raleigh NC area so it’s not that bad of a drive.  

    I am looking forward to it as I really need to get a renewed vision for how I am homeschooling, now that my kids are getting older.

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