Hello everyone. I am wanting to begin homeschooling my 4.5 year old daughter. I think I have setteled on the CM method. I am so grateful for all the information I am finding here. Are there other families in the Richmond area using this method? I would love to talk with you and learn some more information. I am very intimidated by homeschooling and am having a difficult time knowing where to start. I would appreciate any help or advice. Thank you all so much!
Hi, are you in Virginia? I am in Virginia Beach if you are. I am no master of CM principles but I am loving incorporating them into our homeschooling. This is the beginning of year 4 for us. Please feel free to PM me if you would like my number to talk or email. I know there are a few of us in Virginia.
I’d love to talk with you ladies, as well. I’m between you both, in Williamsburg. 🙂 I have four children in years 4, 2, K, and 5yo. We use Ambleside with a smattering of resources from SCM … it would be fun to know you.
Hello ladies. Thank you so much for being willing to talk. I don’t want to allow my insecurities about homeschooling to keep me from doing this for my children. I look forward to getting to know you better. My schedule is pretty flexible and open if either of you would be interested in a play date/information session (lol).
I hope you all have a great day!
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