looking for some advice

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  • pmsullivan

    i am looking for some advice about history  I have decided to apply the charlotte mason type of education for my kids. 12, 10 and 7 year old twins.  My daughter 12 yr old daughter is working on finishing the modern history time period.  My 10 yr old is really not doing anything except reading some books from sonlight.  And my twins are really not doing anything either except some books.  I REALY want to start the rotation thing again with my youngest three, but that would leave my oldest daughter out of the mix.  She has had a lot of ancient history so iguess it wouldn’t be so bad to just move on withthe youngest three, though that means that my 10 year won’t get modern history until highschool.
    I always dream of keeping them together as much as possible, but maybe that dream can’t happen.  iguess i could just read some books from modern history for the youngest three and then start ancient next year.  i just know that my twins would love the SOTW 1, though~~~~

    any thoughts or advice?



    Why is it that history seems to be the most daunting subject to teach?! I too would love some practical suggestions for my very young children. Thanks!

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