Looking for Oxford First Ancient History

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  • Mandi

    I am using Module 1 for history this year and am having trouble locating Oxford First Ancient History.  I’ve exhausted the possibilities I know of (Best Books Buy, Book finder, Library, Library and Educational services…).  The cheapest I’ve been able to find it for was around $90…too much for me to spend right now.  Any ideas where I can find it, or possible substitutes?  I’ve been told it has been recently out of print.


    Hi Mandi…

    If you search on the forum, you will find this has come up a lot.   SCM is trying to get the rights to reprint it, but that is taking time.   In the posts are various possible substitutions, as well as a list of all the chapters/topics to help you find substitutions.   Keep looking for it too, as people have occasionally found it cheaper!

    Hopefully SCM will get the ok to print it and resolve this for everyone.


    Hey, Mandi I sent you a list of the chapters/lessons that are used in the Modules 1-3 from the Oxford book, it should help you figure out some different resources.  I wanted to add that we found a really neat old book called “Once Upon a Time in Egypt” by Frances KEnt Gere in 1937.  The introduction says that the author went to Egypt and studied the history and artifacts, then wrote the story to fit the history.  My dd 11 really enjoyed it.  I think it was fun, and similiar to Boy of the Pyramids. 

    Several people have found the Oxford book in 3 seperate books – one for each culture.  Others are using A Child’s History of the World, Notgrass ?, and others listed in the other threads.  

    I have managed to find lots of interesting books about Egypt and its ancient culture at our used book store and at the library.  Knowing the subject to be taught that day helps me use my books in a better way.  =)  And, some of the library books are not “living” but, again, sometimes it is how your present the material.  My interest can really help reach my kids… =)


    Thanks, so much.  I am brand new to this forum, so I didn’t realize the topic had already come up.  I’ll take a look at the other resources.  Thanks again!


    I have been looking for this book for months now…ARGH…I am thankful that it may be reprinted but am even more thankful for the title substitutions that may be possible…I am bad about getting stalled due to not having a resource…I really wish this would go to reprint sooner than later…I even called Oxford publishing in an effort to add to the fact that we really REALLY hope they let SCM reprint SOON!



    Try the Oxford Children’s Ancient History. I just bought my copy on Amazon.

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