looking for nature store – help please!

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study looking for nature store – help please!

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  • alice

    I’m looking for an online store that sells chick eggs and butterflies to hatch.  I looked at this store last year, but I can’t find the website again!  I was certain someone on here could help me with this!


    I know that http://www.hometrainingtools.com has quail eggs, butterfly larvae, frog eggs, and other things.

    When we hatched chicken eggs, we asked those we knew with chickens for several fertilized eggs – they were happy to give them to us. I think this would be the safer route to go if you’re interested. If you do hatch eggs, I would highly recommend you get an incubator with an automatic turner. Otherwise if forgotten, or turned too roughly can be fatal to the growing chicks.

    Also, in the spring (depending on where you are) you can find lots of monarch caterpillars on milk weed. All you need to do is put them in a breathable container, give them fresh weed each day. watch them grow and change. Every summer, we usually have several going at once in an old fish tank with mesh screen top – amazing!

    Have Fun!


    If you hatch chicks with an incubator, MAKE SURE you have a fan that circulates the air.  Otherwise you are cooking the tops of your eggs and the chicks that do hatch will be crippled and most will die within a day or so.  That’s a hard experience for a little 5yo boy. Ask me how I know…  Cry


    Oh no, Robin!  My son, in particular would find that very hard as well.

    csmamma – Yes, that is the website, thank you!  Where do you get an incubator?  Are they very expensive?  I do have a friend who has chickens, so perhaps she’d let us “borrow” an egg or two!  We live in the city and they don’t allow chickens, so I’d have to give them back to her (if they survived) after they hatched.  Which, if we bought the kit, I was planning on giving her any chicks that lived.

    Thanks for your help!

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