Looking for Living Books about Canadian History

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  • We’re going to be studying John Cabot, Jacques Cartier, Samual de Champlain, and others from Canadian History.  There are many text books on the subject but I’d love to find some Living Books (stories that will bring it alive) on the subject.  I’m afraid I might be out of luck but I thought I’d judt try and see if anyone has had any luck.  It doesn’t just have to be about these men.  We’re working through a book called, “Courage and Conquest”.  Any Living Books suggestions on Canadian History would be greatly appreciated. 

    Thank-you.  🙂


    Had a crazy day here today Debbie but I will look on my shelf tomorrow and try to get back to you. I am in Canada and have done Cnd history many times, so I know I have lots, just can’t bring them to mind.Other than the Great Stories of Canada, I think the series is called, but they are older and hard to find. PM me if I forget:) I will do my best


    Rachel White

    I found a book on Baldwin Online called “Canada:Peeps at History” by Beatrice Home, “Canadian Wonder Tales” by

    Cyrus Macmillan; also there’s a series called Discovering Canada, one book is “The Railways” by Robert Livesey, other Canadian books on Railroads are “Steel Across the Sheild’ and ‘Railway Pathfinders”.

    ALso, on the Canadian gold rush three books by Perre Berton:  “City of Gold”, ‘Bonaza Gold’,  and ‘King Klondike”

    HOpe these help alittle,


    Christine Gayfer

    I don’t know if you are on the CMCanada yahoo group or not, but there are some excellent resources in their file section.  The link to the group is here:  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/cmcanada/  Specifically, you might enjoy one file found under ‘Files’ then ‘Canadian History’ then ‘Read Your Way Through Canadian History.doc’.  The list itself is quite helpful as well.  Smile


    Editing to add that the list is also on the internet here:  http://www.freewebs.com/canadianhomeschool/nicolas%20%20list%20draft%20sept%2023%202006.htm

    Thank-you, Rachel, for those suggestions.  I have a couple of them and I’ll look up the others.

    And thank-you, Christine, for that book list!!  I know I’ll be spending hours looking those books up.  And I look forward to joining the Yahoo group…just as soon as I can remember my username/password for Yahoo!

    Thanks again!

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