@jmac, we got our refurbished iBook for $499 from the MacAuthority store. Not sure if they have those in Canada, but that was about 3 years ago.
If you go to apple.com you can see all kinds of refurbished and new as well.
Above is just one example in the $600-$700 range.
It says free shipping but I’m not sure about shipping to Canada. Might be worth checking apple.com
Also, like Doug mentioned, the Education store is worth checking as well b/c they do give discounts there though they vary.
There have been local public schools in our area that auction off their old Macs as well for very cheap. I know a few people who have gotten old Macs for less than $200 going that route. They are well worth that.
Like I said, we have 4 total, 1 was gifted to us, 1 was purchased by my former employer (large Christian publisher when I worked for them from home and they let me keep it), and 2 we purchased (1 my MacBook Pro and the other a 1st generation Intel-based desktop–it was around $600).
That is another thing: a MAC desktop is going to be much cheaper than a laptop and will do all that the laptop will do except travel easily.