Looking for advice Fort Drum NY area

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Let’s Chat Looking for advice Fort Drum NY area


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  • Christine Kaiser


    we will move to Ft. Drum area in a couple of month and I am looking to get info concerning homeschooling in the area like groups, what school districts are hs friendly etc. Also tips on IHIP and evaluation when using SCM. I have contacts and general info for homeschooling in NY state but would really like to connect with someone who uses SCM and is currently in Fort Drum area or has been living there for area specific info.

    Thanks and blessings:) -Christine



    Dear Christine, I feel like you dropped from heaven! I’m about an hour south of where you will be and i;m out of the loop with regards to groups there. but, the library in Watertown, may be a good starting place. There is a used curriculum sale in syracuse, coming up in the beg. of may if you’ll be here then. unfortunately, i’m out of town for a month and can’t attend. A must go to!

    Our family, has used SCM methods for 3 years and we have 3 children, 14, boy,10,girl and 7 ,boy. Homeschooling here is growing in popularity, but SCM families are very widespread. Our family belongs to a latin coop, cursive class at our public library and 4-H. I can help you with the paperwork, but don’t know if your district is friendly. I’m fortunate, our school district monitor is an acquaintance and I only hear from her when I forgot to send my paperwork on time, which has happened maybe 5 times in 8 years.

    Welcome to NYS, Martha


    Christine, I can send you paperwork examples by snail mail if it helps. my email is calebpocchiari@yahoo.com for an address. Happy packing! Martha

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