Looking for a Spanish program that is for elementary aged!

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Foreign Languages Looking for a Spanish program that is for elementary aged!

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  • caycecronk

    We decided we want to start ds who will be second grade coming up soon on Spanish! He will be very beginner level. I have been looking around and there is so much to choose from. What do you

    use and suggests?


    First Step Espanol is free and is a nice introduction  (Well, I only looked at the first lesson – we use First Steps auf Deutsch)




    We are using La Clase Divertida and the kids really like it, and I am learning too. You dont have to do the workbook, just watch the videos if you want to. He is big on family participation, which I like. It was filmed a while ago, and nothing flashy but we are learning and the kids ask to watch it daily.

    We have Roseta Stone, but I won’t start that until 3rd or 4th grade.


    We haven’t used it, but have put Flip Flop Spanish on our schedule for next year!




    Speekee is an immersion approach on dvd, fun! It’s also available online. If you buy the dvds you’ll need a “region free dvd player” unless you already live in Europe to read their dvd format. We got ours on Amazon, easy to find.


    We are also starting up with Spanish in 2nd grade at our house. We are trying Song School Spanish, by Classical Academic Press. There’s a cd with fun songs that we listen to a couple of times per chapter. Their workbook shows them the words to the song and has several activities to reinforce the new words: writing, drawing, games, puppets, etc. We are all really excited about starting it soon.


    There is Salsa Spanish (if your DS doesn’t find it too baby-ish).  My oldest didn’t care for it, but my 2nd grader enjoyed it.  You can watch the videos online (for free).  http://www.gpb.org/salsa#

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