Looking ahead for the week

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  • mitzikay

    How do I look ahead to the week that has already been scheduled? The daily plan gives the worked scheduled for that day. What do I do if I want to see the entire week, or a different day in the week?

    Sonya Shafer

    One of the things that makes the CM Organizer unique is that it takes things just one day at a time. There isn’t a place to look ahead at a whole week or a day later in the week because the assignments for that day might change, depending on what you accomplish today.

    For example, let’s say I originally scheduled to read chapter 1 of a history book today, chapter 2 on Wednesday, and chapter 3 on Friday. If we really get into the book and read chapters 1 and 2 today, the rest of my week’s assignments would have to be changed. Since the Organizer shows you only one day at a time, that’s not a problem. It just keeps track as you go along and makes those changes automatically for you, giving you the most flexibility.

    Now, having said that, I do have a Weekly Schedule of subjects for each day of the week that I like to post. That way we know which subjects we have scheduled to do each day. The actual assignments may change, but that gives us an overall frame in which to work. You can see a little video demo about that here: http://simplycharlottemason.com/planning/cmorganizer/tour/weekataglance/

    Hope this helps!

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