Living science books – what order?

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Living science books – what order?

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  • Sue

    I have yet another question about using living science books. I am looking at the 4th – 6th grade living books listed on the science grid of the SCM Curriculum Guide. Would I do them in the order they are listed, or is there a specific order that is best?

    I thought I read somewhere that Charlotte Mason recommended a particular order of study for the upper elementary grades, but I don’t recall where I saw that. I am awaiting the arrival of Considering God’s Creation in the mail, and I’m also waiting for Jack’s Insects from the library. So, I would appreciate any ideas on where to start.


    Karen Smith

    Sue, we didn’t list the books on the curriculum guide in any particular order. Feel free to read them in whatever order you want.


    Good, because I just brought home Owls in the Family and started reading it….if the kids happen not to like it, at least I’m already enjoying it!


    Oh I bet they’ll LOVE it.  It’s hilarious!!  A very popular book in my library.


    When we are using living books for science, I “try” to coordinate it with our history studies. But, that doesn’t always work out. If we find a good book that needs to be read, I don’t worry about whether it fits into a written course of study type plan. We just figure out where it would fit in the grand scheme (or not) over time and enjoy it for what it teaches.

    I have enough resources that could tie our younger children to their history studies for 2012-13, but it will be their older sister’s last year. She is using the 101 Series courses, so I’m seriously considering having them watch the DVD portion and just learn facts along with her and study scientists that are tied to what she’s doing. That will simpler things for me.




    I meant I have enough science resources to coordinate with their history time frame.



    blue j

    Youngest dd LOVED Owls in the Family.  She was sad when she got to the end… she wanted to the story to keep going. 🙂

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