Living Science Books Activities?

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  • Kris

    I have been reading through some of the SCM recommended living science books (The Shark Lady and Owls in the Family).  This is a new way for me to approach science so I’m looking for ideas.  For those of you who have used these kinds of books for science, would you share how you use them?  Do you just let the kids read and enjoy them?  Do you give them some kind of assignment to do with them? 


    Hi Kris,  In our house we usually make a notebook page about books like this.  For instance, if we’re studying birds I will hand my kids a certain book and tell them to read it.  When they are done, they make a notebook page.  Just using a blank piece of paper, they can choose anything from their reading to put on there.  My daughter just read about spiders so she made one telling about how mother spiders die before their babies are born.  At the bottom she drew a picture of an  egg sac hanging on some wooden beams.  I don’t really give them any parameters.  I have been surprised at how much more they do when I haven’t actually given them an assigned topic.  We just put these in their science notebooks.


    I was reading this post earlier:

    Here are some quotes:

    “Living books should supplement, not replace, nature study.”

    “Use living books for planned, structured studies, while still doing nature study spontaneously.”

    In the above post and others in that series (linked from that page) she gets more specific with ideas on how to supplement nature study with books.”

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