Also, one of the fulbright books just came out…. I suspect that even if you only did 2 or 3 of them your child would be well-prepared for the higher level courses.
My3boys, Jeannie Fulbright wrote the elementary series Exploring Creation with…….. that are recommended in the guide.
Another question……. has anyone used just living books for science through 8th grade and then begun Apologia’s physical science or biology?
One more……… I know that this discussion has been tossed around….. do any of you require written narration instead of the tests for Apologia science (general science and above) ?
I, too, am curious if anyone has used or will use ONLY living Science books for the junior high and high school years. I would LOVE to do this and, since we don’t intend to prepare our two girls for college, I think it could possibly be doable, but I’m also afraid they won’t know things they still should know??? Thoughts, anyone?