Living Math

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  • christina

    Hello everyone! I have been spending some time in the last few days reading through the posts abouts math, trying to seek out some sort of an answer. DD is in grade 2, and as of yet, we have not actually used a curriculum, but have been going through the math made easy books. Not too much structure, and trying to use manipulatives, etc as much a spossible. Math is a very weak area for me, and so can explaining things to DD. I have been looking into MUS and my friend lent me a Saxon K curr for my other DD to try out for a bit.

    I have been looking into living math, and wondering if since we are already half way thorugh the sdchool year, if this may be a good option, but looking for more direction, sites, ideas, thoughts, etc. Has anyone tried it succesfully? Is there a real need to have a math curriculum, or is living math enough?

    Thank you for your thoughts!! =) Blessings!!

    Sonya Shafer

    It seems like “living math” is a great way to introduce and emphasize concepts, but I’m not sure it provides the component of practice-until-it’s-easy-to-do that most students need. It might be best to use a curriculum for a “spine” and add living math to supplement as you go along.

    Just some thoughts. I’m eager to hear from others on this!


    Bumping this as we’re kind of helter skelter about Math these days. My oldest DD8 is a reader and she is completely in love with Life of Fred. She loves it. She begs to do more than we planned. She is very particular about keeping a neat notebook of all her problems and she rereads parts on her own just for the fun of it. I also do some worksheets with her, but mostly living math. We do a lot of shopping together, adding and subtracting mentally. Oh, I also use Verbal Math. I like her having the skills to do it in her head and not have to ‘air write’ like mom to figure out even the simplest things.

    But I’m wondering if others are doing “just” living math and if so for how long? How has it worked? Have your kiddos done testing? I’d love to hear from someone who has high schoolers who are doing fine after having “only” living math in the lower grades. Can it be done?

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