Living books in movie format?

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  • Rebekah Howell

    My children (ages 8,7,5,2) love our read aloud times and we have been going through many classics that have been made into movies (Secret Garden, The Little Princess, Old Yeller). If there is a movie for the book that we finish I have been letting them watch the movie (after we are done reading the book). They recently started asking when choosing our next read aloud if there was a movie of it to watch when we finish the book. Am I taking away from the living books by allowing them to watch the movies?


    I think it’s fine in moderation and with discussion during or after the movie.



    I could see some great discussions afterwards!  Compare and contrast the two, which they liked more, etc.  My kids have discovered the book is almost always better.


    I agree with HollyS.  We have always had a rule that we would not watch the movie version until after we finished the book.  The question always came up about how the movie compared to the book.

    I recall watching the movie, Rascal, after we finished Sterling North’s book.  My kids were 10, 9, and 8.  We thoroughly enjoyed the movie, but at the end, all of my kids were rather irate that a brief scene was added when Rascal was released back into the wild.  Certain details in the scene varied greatly from the book, and my son hollered, “Hey!  That wasn’t in the book!  How rude!!”

    We’ve always had great discussions about how movies are made and how details sometimes are changed to fit time constraints, etc.  We decided as a family that, although the BBC’s version of The Railway Children was good, they had to leave a lot out of the movie because there was just so much in the book.  The movie would have been hours and hours long if they included every chapter.

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