Living Books for Kindergarten

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  • Anyone have any suggestions on living books for kindergarten please let me know, thank you.  


    My second son is in K, but we’ve started with the books for 1st grade in the Free Curriculum Guide, esp. History and the read-alouds.

    Another option is to check the Early Years Guide on this site:


    We’ve been doing a very gentle K year this year. We still read a lot of picture books, actually – many of our favorites are those listed on the SCM Early Yeras Guide. We’ve also been reading through and enjoying the Little House series. Others we’ve read and really enjoyed have been Winnie the Pooh (both the Winnie the Pooh story books, and the poems by AA Milne), The Milly Molly Mandy Storybook, the My Father’s Dragon series, Uncle Wiggly, and assorted Thorton Burgess books (animal/nature stories). My 3 year old listens in on many of these as well. If you are looking for beginning readers we have enjoyed the Pathway series and Harriette Taylor Treadwell’s readers. We’ve also been enjoying the Outdoor Secrets book and Companion (another SCM project) if you are looking for something more science-nature related and we’ve read Paddle to the Sea and assorted library books for an Intro to US geography. In addition to the Early Years suggestions here, I also like to consult the Sonlight catalog (esp. their read-aloud and reader suggestions) and this is another good booklist organized by approximate age level:

    Happy Reading!



    We use the Read Alouds from SCM’s Early Years list (especially the ones for 5 year olds), some from AO’s list (also including A.A. Milne’s original Winnie the Pooh stories) and titles from Five In A Row. (Two of my 5 year olds favorites from FIAR list are Stopping By the Woods on a Snowy Evening, by Robert Frost, and The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.) We have the Chrsitian Liberty Nature Readers on the bookshelf, and will be starting them soon as well.


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