Living Book – The Marsh Lions?? :-0

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  • delightx7

    Has anybody read this book??? 

    My dd 11 is using the 4-6th grade book living book list for Science this year and has really loved it so far.  Marsh Lions is written at a much higher reading level so we decided to do it together – taking turns reading – instead of her doing it on her own and narrating back to me like all of the other selections she has done. Boy am I glad we decided to do this together – I am constantly skimming and weeding out content.  The descriptions of the lions mating were way over the top and described in very sensual human terms, and then today, the description of the Masaii ritual of circumsicion :-0!

    So, I guess I was just wondering –

    Is there more than one version of this book and I got the x-rated one? LOL

    Can I just scrap it, or is it really that good that it will be worth all of the skimming and skipping in the end?

    Any ideas for a good substitute for another living Science book more like the others suggested?  She has read them all except Gentle Ben, so if I scrap Marsh Lions, I want her to fill in with something else.

    Any thoughts appreciated!







    Robin, I am so glad you posted this – I just acquired the book and was wondering whether to let them at it or go through it with them – I guess I have my answer!


    So glad to be helpful:-)  My dd15 walked into the room yesterday and said “MOM, What ARE you reading to her??!!”  I laughed and explained that it was about lions and that I was skipping most of it!!


    That said, it is just certain sections, other parts are completely fine.  I am just trying to figure out what makes this book SCM worthy as a recommendation:-)

    Sonya Shafer

    Oh, dear! I must admit that I listed that book upon recommendation from someone else. I haven’t read it myself. Thanks so much for mentioning this.

    I’ll go add a note to the chart to give moms a heads-up about reading and editing it. Would you say it would be more appropriate for older children, or leave it in the 4-6 grade with parental editing?


    Sonya, hmmm, to be honest, I’m not sure I would want my older kids reading it either.  I’m going to go check it out again and get back to you with a well-thought out opinion.




    You know, I don’t think I would want my older kids reading it either.  We are not prudish around here…my kids have seen horses being bred, but the wording in March Lions seems to me to be far to sensual. I can’t imagine letting my teenage son read it, I think it leaves room for temptation. 



    Sonya Shafer

    That’s exactly what I needed to know, Robin. Thank you! I’m removing it from the recommendations.


    Sonya, I appreciate all of your hard work.  Thanks for all you do to make this an amazing educational site.




    Okay, I need to say I’m feeling a little panicked here.  We followed the SCM recommendation last summer on this book and bought it as a gift for our 13dd!!!  She read (and said she enjoyed) it!  I never even thought to read it first, as I’ve been thrilled with other recommendations here.  Now I’m wondering what I’ve exposed her to.  I’m not pointing a finger here, that would be unfair as it seems I did exactly the same thing- followed a recommendation instead of reading it myself, but I think we all need to step back and look at what’s happened here.  At the very least I think it’s imperative that it’s clearly stated if a recommendation hasn’t been read so parents can be aware.  I plan to find the book on my shelf right now and read what my daughter read last summer without my knowledge 🙁  I’m just sick to think I let this happen.  Definitely a lesson learned.

    Sonya Shafer

    I just spoke with my source for this book, and I mistakenly put it in the wrong age group. I take full responsibility for the mistake and do apologize. She said that it “doesn’t mince words when it comes to the breeding parts” and that’s why she would say it should be for older readers. Now, that being said, it also has other parts that are wonderful, as RobinC mentioned.

    Rather than try to recommend the good parts and give a heads-up on the “unedited nature” parts, I’m just going to leave it off the curriculum guide.

    Simplicity, I’m so sorry my mistake has caused an awkward situation in your home. Please forgive me. I’m praying for you as you read and determine the wisest way to handle the situation.


    Simplicity, personally I would be far more concerned if it was my 13ds that read it as opposed to my dd. Girls and boys minds work so differently and they are tempted in different ways. I am sure you have done no long term damage – really. 


    Sonya, your heart shows through so clearly here.  Your apology is certainly accepted and I for one will still continue to check my book choices through the Bookfinder to see if they have the little green SCM stamp of approval next to them.  I have never before been disappointed by an SCM recommendation, and I doubt I will again:-)  Thanks!


    Sonya, thank you for your sincere concern.  I skimmed through the book and found the portions mentioned. I’m glad to say that what I was imagining was worse than the reality. I didn’t mean for my previous post to sound like an attack….I was just really sick for a minute to think that I had maybe put something in my dd’s hands that shouldn’t have been there (at least according to the standards my dh and I have).  We are very open with our kids and we have farm animals around, so it’s not like I thought she didn’t know of these things.  It’s just that our kids know what WE’VE told them in the way WE feel is right and pure and for one second I thought that might have been compromised, you know?  I heard someone say once that when we put a book in our child’s hands it’s the same thing as introducing them to a new person.  When you think of it that way it makes you want to know as much about that book as possible before you decide whether or not your child can spend time “getting to know it”.  I didn’t like the way it felt today when I realized I hadn’t done my job like I should have.  That’s not your fault, Sonya, it’s mine.  I appreciate the SCM site and want to say that it has transformed our homeschool and given me the tools to LOVE teaching my children.  I will continue to use and enjoy this site.  I’ve just been reminded today that I need to make sure I’m doing my job as a Mom 🙂 

    Sonya Shafer

    Thank you for your gracious replies, ladies.

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