Hello all, I purchased a complete Living Books Curriculum set, the foundation years I think it is called. It has all the books and the teacher’s binder. I bought it in the spring but I have not used it. If you are interested in it (I am in East Cobb/Marietta, GA) please email me. gatechengineer (at) yahoo (dot) com
Moderator’s Note: You can also use the Private Message feature to contact. Just look directly below these two lines of text and you’ll see “Private Message This User.” Click on that and send Bonnie a message.
Now that I see this post, is there a specific place here on the SCM forum that we can sell CM new/used books/resources? I have a couple books that are in new condition and have been meaning to ask this question for some time now. Hope you don’t mind me asking this on your post, Bonnie. 🙂
Good question, Rebecca. There’s a great yahoo group called CMcurricula that already facilitates buying and selling of used CM-style resources. Can anybody think of a good reason for us to have a topic here for that purpose when that group is already available? We’re willing to dive in if y’all want it (now that the private messaging feature is up and running).
Speaking of private messaging, Bonnie, I edited your post a little so your e-mail address won’t be picked up by everybody and his brother on the Internet to spam you. 🙂
Hi Sonya! I forgot all about the CMcurricula Yahoo Group! I am actually already a member there (doh!). Thanks for the reminder. 🙂 I think that is a great resource and maybe you can pin a note about it somewhere here on your website. I think a forum here for that sort of thing is probably not needed. I just posted here because I know you are in GA, too, and I am hoping to find someone local to sell this set to so we can avoid shipping costs.