Literature in conjunction with Early Modern Times

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Literature, Poetry, Shakespeare Literature in conjunction with Early Modern Times

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  • Sue

    I know we’ve probably discussed this before, but since a quick search has not found me a thread on it, I thought I would ask again.

    DD will be starting 10th grade in the Fall (last student–yikes!), and we will be studying Early Modern Times for history.  I am looking to schedule at least a few of her literature readings to correlate with this time period, so I am looking for good, must-read suggestions for her.  She is a bit of a struggling reader, so an audio book or two would be okay, and we often stray into literature from a year or two earlier for her.

    I am going to look through the SCM curriculum guide list when I get a chance, but I know you all might have some additional suggestions.  Or, could you tell me what were your daughters’ favorites among those books?  Thanks!


    Hi Sue! We will be focusing on the same time period for out history studies next year. Here are some of the books I am assigning to my 9th grade daughter:

    A Tale of Two Cities-I think this is a very important book to read when studying this time period. I read it a few years ago and while I had a hard time slogging through the first half of this book, I couldn’t put it down afterwards.

    The Scarlett Pimpernel-This one is a fun, easy read as classics go.

    The Witch of Black Bird Pond by Elizabeth George Speares is good and it’s an easy read.

    I think those are the only lit books we are reading to go along with our history studies. We will be reading some books off of my must read during highschool list instead and they don’t always correlate to the time period being studied.

    Johnny Tremaine and Carry on Mr. Bowditch are great reads if your daughter hasn’t gotten to them yet.





    I’m still figuring out history for next year.  I think we’ll be covering just the American history portion of Early Modern & Modern Times.  The following year, we’ll do the world history portions.  We’ll also be using The Story of the Thirteen Colonies and the Great Republic from Memoria Press for some additional family readings.

    For literature, we’ll be focusing on LOTR (her request) and Poetry & Short Stories: American Literature from Memoria Press.  If she finishes these, it should be easy enough to find more books for this time period.

    Have you looked into Librivox?  My 9yo uses this quite a bit.  I suggested it to my oldest DD when she was getting behind on King Arthur, but it was the one Pyle book they didn’t have!

    jill smith

    Hi Holly,

    What ages are you kids? I was also looking at only doing the American History part for Modern American next year. My kids don’t really enjoy world history. Not that we don’t need to cover it, just maybe when they are older.



    My DC are 13, 11, 9, 6, & 2.  Next year they’ll be in 9th, 6th, 4th, and 1st grades.

    I’m not sure the ages of your DC, but we only did American history until my oldest was in 4th grade.  We’d covered some other cultures with FIAR unit studies, then switched to HOD for a  couple years, which focuses on American history for the early grades.  After that, we began history with SCM & MOH.

    I’m not convinced they need history until the older ages, especially not a full history program.  My 6yo still isn’t participating much in our history & geography lessons.  She’ll do a bit of mapwork, some coloring pages, and listen in on some of the readings, but many days she spends most of her time playing with the 2yo.  At this age, I think phonics is much more important than anything else.  I make sure she gets phonics & math in each day.  Anything else is gravy.

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