When teaching high school literature ( for example British lit, American lit) do these need to be taught with the history you are studing or can it be different?
I do a bit of both. When we were in ancient history, my (then) 14 year old did some ancient literature and we did Julius Caesar as our Shakespeare play. I threw in some assigned literature that had nothing to do with the topic, too. This year we are on the Middle Ages and I did have my older girls read Beowulf, but they are also doing MacBeth, Much Ado About Nothing and other unrelated books as well as living books for this time period.
April 1, 2014 at 3:44 am
My understanding of what Charlotte Mason wrote regarding this in her Home Education series is that yes, the literature would still continue to pair up with the time of history being studied. In addition to that, in Forms V and VI (roughly grades 10-12), there would also be included a little of the current literature of the time – i.e. modern literature. Charlotte Mason discusses this in Volume 6, pg. 184.
Thanks! I really need to purchase the Charlotte mason books.
April 1, 2014 at 4:22 pm
You’re welcome. You can read her whole series at Ambleside Online for free. So if you want to read that particular section I referred to above, just go to their website, click on “Charlotte Mason Series”, click on Volume 6, then scroll down to Chapter 10, Section II, Part II, “The Knowledge of Man; Literature.” It starts on pg. 180. Hope that helps! 🙂
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