HiddenJewel, i’m not exactly sure what type of info. i’m looking for at the moment. I would like to know how teacher intensive this guide is and if you really can use it with any novel? I would love to see a few more samples of it. I’m thinking of maybe not using anything with my stb 4th grader and getting this for my stb 11th grader.
The only teacher intensive part would be any grading which is going to be true with any program. Maybe you could inquire in the website for more samples?
Thanks, Bookworm. I think I’m sold:) This would ease my concerns w/LL for this age, but was wanting to do something. Really like the looks of Teaching the Classics, but was afraid I wouldn’t implement enough…like that this seems to do more handholding. Thanks to everyone for comments and links! Gina
This may sound like a dumb question, but I’ll ask anyway. What is considered a novel?? The LL guide shows several for their studies and I know that I’m reading 2 right now for myself, but what about for my stb 8th grader?? He enjoys reading and is always in the middle of a book that is for leisure reading, but I doubt any are “novels.” He has read several from the SCM lit guide and doesn’t read twaddle, but I’m not sure if the books he chooses are meant for this program, kwim??
I’d love use this program with him but want to make sure that the books read are what they’re suppose to be.
And, let’s say you want to use this one time during the school year, would you pick one novel for the assignment, then allow him to read books of choice the rest of the year?? Or would this be something that you should use weekly or for multiple books?? I know it depends on the kid but I’m thinking he could “chew” on a novel for awhile, like I do, and have other, shorter books to off-set the heaviness of the novel. Hope that makes sense!
That looks really good, but way out of my price range. I’m thinking that Any Novel…would work, I’m just wondering if this is something you’d do once for 8th grade with 1 novel, or try to 1 per term??? I don’t want to squelch his love for reading or make it overkill but add an element to his lang. arts.
I know alot depends on the child/goals but I’m just trying to get a feel for what would be 8th grade worthy. And, the price for the Any Novel makes it pretty appealing.
I can see where you are coming from, my3boys. My boys will likely not be too impressed when they move to novel study in jr high. I am planning on getting the Any Novel guide and using it possibly through 9th or even longer with my older son, though I love the look of Lightening Lit for 7th and 8th, I know he probably won’t be ready for them then, and we’ve already read half the books. I really like that Any Novel allows you to pick your own books and I think that’s a real bonus. Could Lightning Lit 7th & 8th be considered suitable for the beginning of highschool? Not sure, but I’m willing to bet it covers the books more completely than we did in highschool. I don’t expect my older son to be University bound — God may have other plans, but right now I see him going into a trade. My younger ds might be a different story, though. He’s talking engineering.
I’m still not too sure when I’m going to start counting high school credits as in Nova Scotia Public School system high school doesn’t start until 10th grade. The only real guidelines I have in terms of what to teach in highschool are college or university requirements and it’s too soon to know where or for what the boys might want to apply. Thankfully I have a few years to worry about it.
Most (non-twaddle) fictional chapter books would be considered novels and can lend themselves well to a novel study. Just about anything you see listed on SCM, AO, etc. Check out Veritas Press or Progeny Press or Lightning Lit for some other grade appropriate ideas.
Sorry for resurrecting this thread, but I’m considering doing this very thing as well. I want a literature-based language arts program, but there just doesn’t seem to be a good fit. LLATL is too sparse and not really based on the books themselves. Total Language Plus looks promising, but I’d really just like to fit it to ANY book. I’m going to check out the books mentioned above. I also wanted to share http://fortunatelyforyoubooks.com/grammar-by-the-book.html this ebook. Jimmie’s Collage (blog) uses it, and she says it’s for teaching grammar out of any book you are reading. I haven’t purchased it yet, but I’m probably going to. She also has an ebook on designing your own LA curriculum as well (since she does it herself), and you can read about it here http://jimmiescollage.com/designing-your-language-arts-curriculum-ebook/. Does anyone have guidelines on how they pull spelling, vocab, etc from the literature you’re reading? There’s a bit of a daily guideline here http://www.design-your-homeschool.com/language-arts-lesson-plans-literature.html. I’m just information gathering at this point. So glad I’m not the only one!