Listing subjects in order to do them??

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education CM Organizer Listing subjects in order to do them??

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  • the9clarks

    How close is this wish list to becoming a reality?

    “Arrange subjects in the order in which you do them each day for each student/family’s list”


    This would make such a HUGE difference in allowing my kids to do their schoolwork independently. 😀


    For us, that doesn’t work out especially well. Each of the kids does have a list, and I’ve put the subjects in the order that I would like them done, but the kids each have their own preference in the order.

    I do group the items into three categories – independent work, family work, and one-on-one with mom work, just so that we can easily see at-a-glance what is left to be done (mostly so that I can manage my time!)

    Typically we all start the day with Morning Devotion, history read-alouds, and one other read-aloud. Otherwise it’s kind-of a free-for-all around here. School is done when all of the items on their list are checked off.

    Would like to hear if this works for other families, though!!

    Christine Kaiser

    As I was starting my first year of home schooling, I had the lessons in order and planed out by the minute, which by the way took a long time. Now 5 month into home schooling I decided not to worry about order and schedule next year , we almost never stick to it!;)


    We stick to the beginning of the schedule which is Bible readings, Scripture Memory, sing hymn, plus daily topic which changes each day like picture study, character read-aloud, health. This all happens at the breakfast table. We always have composer study at lunch. We usually do history/geography after breakfast time (after I tend to some laundry), but the rest is not as consistant. I really feel that I need to work on that though. But my oldest is grade 2, so not very independent yet.

    ChristineAZ: Do you mean the planning took a long time or the time the lessons took to do?

    Obviously everyone is different, so what works for you depends on your family. I think with having more kids though, the more pertinent it is for me to have the subjects schedule in a certain order. I use time blocks. For instance, my kids chores are first block, their independent listed subjects (they each have their own list) are the second block, then guided time block with me. It’s a busy morning, but we get it done and the afternoons are more free for other stuff. ( and a break for mom 🙂


    Rachel White

    I asked this question a while back. It would benefit me greatly. My son always wants to do his subjects in the order that is printed out and it drives me nuts; My dd is completely random. I’d like to organize it in a way that benefits my schedule for the day so I can get my chores done and do the family subjects and those subjects of theirs in a way that works for me. Numbering only works so-so.



    I have a weekly schedule that fits on one page. It’s simply 5 columns with the subjects for that day listed. We work from that. Sometimes we Do them out of order but mostly we do them as is. It’s my brain 🙂 I even have lunch thrown in there along with piano practice. Individual work is denote by that childs initial preceding the subject, for example m-math would mean math with my oldest boy. Under that in the same line I would list an independent reading assignment for my other child. So my schedule for today might be



    Folk song






    S-math m-history read

    S-phonics m-break

    Science- pagoo

    History-robin hood

    M-math s-done for day



    Piano practice

    Quiet Reading

    I just check them off as I go. I write all over the schedule, making notes. If we don’t accomplish something I can see that and try to fit it in during the rest of the week. My kids like to check the schedule too!


    Christine Kaiser


    I ment the time it took to plan everything out and getting everything scheduled. What I will do difefrent next school year is just ecide what subject will be done on what day, but not scheduling them throughout the day.


    I get what you are saying 🙂 I think it would be helpful too. On the organizer sheet it is alphabetical. We were using the organizer but stopped mainly because of that detail. My boys use the same english and math book and so I need them to do those at different times. It was just getting difficult because I would have to tell them when to do what.


    I’m bumping this, because I was checking back on the wishlist page and saw the link to this discussion. I mention it in the comments on the wishlist page, but it’s worth repeating here. This is the single biggest factor to why I decided not to purchase the planner after the trial period. I loved, loved, loved so many aspects of the planner. But when it came time to actually use the information on a daily basis, I couldn’t handle the fact that there was no way for me to change the order in which the subjects appeared. It seemed like a natural thing to me that one would be able to move them around instead of having them appear in alphabetical order. Anyhow, I just wanted to say again, that I would probably purchase this immediately if this one issue were changed. Thanks for all you folks here at SCM do!


    I would like this too.

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