List your 9-11 yr old schedule please :)

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules List your 9-11 yr old schedule please :)

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  • Charlene

    Ooops!!! It’s a typo. I meant to type Word of the Week. Which is a sold by Queen Homeschool.  


    oh thanks! I was getting all excited about a different vocab. program!!!


    9 year old



    Family Bible Study – Penny Gardner’s New Testament readings

    Geography – Galloping the Globe

    Math – MUS Gamma

            – Calculadder Speed Drill

    Language Arts – Language Lessons for the Very Young (Queen Homeschool)

                         – Explode the Code

                         – All About Spelling Level 2

                         – Heart of Dakota Drawn Into the Heart of Reading (very loosely)

    Family Read Aloud – currently The Lamplighter

    Random Nature Study


    Monday, Wednesday, Friday

    History – Mystery of History Vol. 3 (simply read aloud as spine; then complete notebooking page)


    Tuesday, Thursday

    Science – Nature Portfolio Throughout the Year



    Read chapter from Burgess Animal Book for Children


    For my soon to be 11 yr. old:

    In the morning we all do Bible Study Gudes for All Ages, Scripture Memory, and our History read aloud.

    Then she has.


    MUS Zeta (Monday -Wednesday)

    TT 5 or math games (Thursday)


    R&S English 5 (2 x a week)

    IEW SWI A (3 x a week)

    Spelling Wisdom (Monday-Wednesday)

    Wordly Wise (all together, out loud, Thursday)


    Right now she is switching off between Encyclopedia Brown, & Little Women.

    At the lunch table I read our read aloud, and then we switch between –

    Science (2 x a week)

    Poetry (1 x a week)

    Composer or Picture Study (1 x a week)

    Spanish Flash Cards (1 x a week)


    My DD10 does: as a family –  Scripture and Hymn study/memorization dialy

    History daily plus she has assigned history reading,

    Literature read aloud at lunch time:  currently Little Town on the Prairie.

    Geography (in theory is suppose to be every Thursday, but it ends up being when I remember)

    Science on Fridays with assigned book to read as well.  (Currently Burgess Bird Book)

    then on her own:

    CLE math daily

    Art on Tuesdays at public school

    Phy Ed class on Wednesday at public school

    (our public school became a Charter school this past year and added an Expanded Home School Program.  They have a teacher just for the home school students, when they aren’t in class they are in the home school room working on subjects from home (usually math and copywork).  They even changed their name to a Community School rather than Elementary School.  The kids can be in sports and DD10 is starting Art Club next Tuesday afternoon.)

    Then Spelling Wisdom on Monday, Grammer lesson on Tuesday, Spelling on Wednesday, Dictation on Thursday and Written Narration on Friday.

    Typing on Wednesday but I think we will add at least another day to that for more practice.

    Currently we are working on Science/History Fair Projects due Jan. 18th! So our schedule will be messed up for sure next week.



    I forgot to add: she does daily piano practice as well.


    DS 11:

    Bible/History/Geography: SCM Guide-Joshua Through Malachi and Ancient Greece (M-F)

    Scripture Memory: Seeds of Courage (M-F)

    Poetry: Winter Poems & Favorite Poems Old and New (M-F, 1 poem a day)

    Handicrafts: Wood Burning/Building (Whenever he likes)

    Composer Study: Listen to CD & Read Spiritual Lives of Great Composers & Famous Children (M)

    Personal Development: A Hive of Busy Bees (T)

    Artist/Picture Study: Children’s Book of Art (W)

    Shakespeare: Tales from Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb (Th)

    Nature Study: Outdoor Hour Challenge, Handbook of Nature Study (F)

    Literature: Selection from his book list (M-F, 1 chapter per day)

    Grammar: Mad Libs (F, fun grammar) & Jr. Analytical Grammar (M, W)

    Spelling: Spelling Wisdom 2 (T, Th)

    Journal: (F)

    Typing: Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Version 18 (F)

    Science: Jack’s Insects (M-F) & Arachnology (M-F, passion pursuit)

    Math: Ray’s Practical Arithmetic (M-F) & Business Math Pet Store (MWF) (we also supplement with LMF for review)

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