List your 9-11 yr old schedule please :)

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Schedules List your 9-11 yr old schedule please :)

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  • 2flowerboys

    Since reading Tristan’s list earlier on the other thread, it has got me interested in 9-11 yr old’s daily schedule. Can you please post them? I really appreciate it! Sometimes I think we are doing a lot sometimes not enough!!


    Here is my DS 11 schedule for the new year. It changes based on completing a resource or if one needs changed, Friday’s are also different. We are always done before 12 each day. You really shouldn’t compare what anyone else is doing because we each plan our days based on our own life and our children’s abilities. However, it can be fun to see what others have chosen to use for their families. I’d enjoy seeing yours!


    Geography – Trail Guide to World Geography
    Math – Teaching Textbook 
    Vocabulary – World of the Week
    Grammar – Easy Grammar
    History – SCM’s Joshua – Malachi & Ancient Greece
    Spelling – All About Spelling
    Science – Apologia General Science
    Literature – Tales of Troy and Greece / The Arabian Nights (alt. days)
    Literature Read Aloud- Little House on the Prairie series 
    Literature Independent – Alt. between 2 books
    Literature Nightly – Tarzan of the Apes 


    Geography – Trail Guide to World Geography
    Math – Teaching Textbook / Drill
    Vocabulary – World of the Week
    History – SCM’s Joshua – Malachi & Ancient Greece
    Music – Composer study
    Poetry – Favorite Poems Old & New
    Literature – Tales of Troy and Greece / The Arabian Nights (alt. days)
    Art – Picture Study
    Literature Independent – Alt. between 2 books
    Literature Nightly – Tarzan of the Apes 



    As a family she joins in:

    History (geography is a part of this, she also gets writing assignments from this – notebooking/written narration)

    Scripture memory

    Scripture study

    Family Read Aloud

    Hymn study

    Individual she has:

    Scripture study

    Music/Piano lessons


    Analytical Grammar

    Literature of her own, she’s between books assigned by me, next one begins when she finishes up this science unit on genetics.

    Vocab comes from science/history/literature.

    Spelling comes from her written narrations when we see a consistent issue.


    We tend to do science/nature study in units with breaks between. Right now she is doing science and taking a ‘literature unit’ break. She still is reading about 4 books on her own outside of history, but not an official study of a title for literature. (For this year she is trying the Progeny Press Literature guides, which take 8-10 weeks each). She does handicrafts on her own or with her sister.

    I love hearing what others are doing for their ages!!! It is such an individual thing!


    As a family we do:

    -History readings daily

    -Science readings 2-3x/week

    -Poetry/Composer/Artist Study

    -Scripure Memory

    On his own:

    -Geography (Geography: A Literature Approach)

    -Language Arts (Learning LA Through Literature)

    -Korean (Rosetta Stone and other language activities)

    -History reading (additional, on his own; sometimes on audio)

    -Math 30 min/day (Teaching Textbooks)

    -Literature Reading (he is in a book club so he always has a lit book going)

    -Adding to his timeline weekly

    -One dictation passage each week

    -Three written narrations each week on his blog

    -Practice Guitar

    -Religious Education (an online couse)

    In addition, once every two weeks we are involved in a memory co-op similar to Classical Conversations. We practice all of that memory work along with our day-to-day school work.


    my DD just 11 is doing:

    Writing With Ease level 3

    Language Lessons for the Elementary Child 1

    Spellwell C

    21 Balloons novel study Veritas Press

    Life of Fred Goldfish

    Division (Richele’s Mathmatics book guideline)

    Rosetta Stone French

    with Family:

    Latin Songschool

    Apologia Astronomy

    Scripture memory box

    handcrafts: currently latch hook

    she finished her social studies work for the year in term 1: fur trade, gold rush, immigration

    we don’t have a schedule per say right now as we have a new baby in the house, things are pretty flexible.

    not worried about it as she is always reading, baking or crafting outside of school!


    10yo’s curriculum:

    MUS daily

    McGuffey 4th reader 2x/week

    Journaling (I give her prompts) 3x/week

    Mavis Beacon typing 2x/week

    independent reading daily

    dictation 2x/week

    piano lessons and gymnastics

    Family studies: We’re pretty much following SCM’s free guide with Mod 1 (Gen. thru Deut.) and Apologia’s swimming creatures, daily narration


    My 10 year old is scheduled:

    MUS daily

    Copywork or cursive practice

    Private devo

    Currently reading the sugar creek gang series (1 ch. a day)

    Music practice daily

    Grammar 3x week

    Written narration 2 days a week

    SW with dictationon fridays, usually

    I have science scheduled 4 days, may get in 3 with nature study on Friday on a good week. I would like him to read more living books like he used to, but we’ll see.

    History reader almost daily, not quite necessary with this module but he likes history activities & history pockets.

    Family studies pretty much as the free guide suggests.

    He also participates in several community/homeschool classes, and study island almost daily.

    I think that’s it!


    DD 9yo ~


    Elocution KJ Bible, daily

    Scripture Memory copywork/dictation, 2x/week

    Humble Heart Bible Study, 2x/week

    R&S English, daily

    Queen LL, daily

    Spelling Widsom, 2x/week

    Spelling Power, 2x/week

    Singapore Math, daily

    Life of Fred Elementary, 2x/week

    Right Start Math Games, 2x/week

    crocheting/paper crafts/sewing, daily



    hymns & Scripture memory verses, daily

    morning basket (Everyday Graces, Child’s Book of Character Building, Book 1, Missionary Stories with the Millers, Window on the World, devotionals, hymn cds, prayer sticks), daily

    poetry, Shakespeare, nature study, music study, picture study (SCM, AO) 1x each/week

    SCM Genesis – Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt, daily

    God’s Design for Science Animals (18 weeks), 2x/week

    Jane Fielding Animal Autobiographies, 1x/week

    Burgess Animal Book, 1x/week

    God’s Design for Science Plants (18 weeks) (same schedule as Animals after Animals complete)

    Plant Life in Field and Garden

    Beautiful Feet Character through Literature Intermediate, daily

    Keepers of the Home, 1x/week


    Her day is approximately 3 hours long … sometimes an extra half hour or so if the littles are extra needy. 🙂


    Monday – Thursday

    We are doing AO year 2, with a few modifications

    Delta – age 9

    • Scripture Study  
    • Scripture Memory (with mom)
    • 5BX  (this is a 10-15 minute workout)
    • Copywork – (generally pull 3 strips from the copywork jar, then choose 1 to do.
    • AO Reading – he picks from the weekly list…  (mostly reading along with an audiobook – a few done with me)
    • Foreign Language – German 2 days, ASL 2 days
    • AO Reading – again pick from the list
    • Math – RS Level C (done with me and his sister)
    • Free Reading 

    There used to be violin practice (teacher wanted about 45min, and about another 10min music reading…..) – but we aren’t doing violin anymore….  plan to add keyboard (piano)  & or organ soon.

    We will soon be adding All About Spelling (when it arrives)


    Our time varies depending on how long his readings are.  About 2.5-3.5 hours generally…. (not including music practice…)


    Oh, I forgot – Friday we do stuff like Picture Study, Music Study, Drawing, Maps, Timeline Books, and (in theory) Nature Study


    In the morning, my ‘bigs’ join in:

    Family Bible Study

    Hymn Study

    Scripture Memory

    French Vocabulary

    Poetry (reading or Memory work)

    Then we split up for individual work, and the 9-11 year olds are doing:

    Spelling Wisdom 1 – Copywork & Dictation 1-2X per week

    All In One English Grammar

    Teaching Textbooks Math

    Math Facts Drill

    Writing Assignment – 2X per week

    Rosetta Stone French

    After lunch, we go back to Family work for:

    History Reading/ Book of Centuries

    Science Reading

    Literature (read aloud)

    Then littler kids lay down to rest and big kids read at least one chapter per day of their independent reading assignment (though usually much more).

    They also work on handicrafts in the afternoon (knitting for dd and carving for ds this term). At 2:00 or 3:00 we are done with all required work for the day – without fail. But we start pretty early, 8:00- 8:30.

    We are outside a lot, but need to be better about taking our notebooks out at least once a week – that’s one of our goals this year.

    Fridays are reserved for composer study, picture study, and an art lesson. I plan on doing Shakespeare this year, too.

    My older kids are also in a co-op science class, chess club, and piano lessons.

    I think that does it! It’s helpful to see what everyone else is doing, too!


    Oops, forgot map study. And that’s generally how it works – Mom forgot map study again!! There is another goal for 2013!


    11 year old daughter:


    • Devotional (Their Lives & Your Life)
    • Bible Study + memory work
    • Lyrical Life Science + living books
    • Math (Math-U-See Zeta + Your Business Math – not both in the same day)
    • Language Arts
    • Truthquest History + Binder Builder
    • Latin For Children
    • Literature or Biography reading
    • typing
    • Violin & piano practice 
    • Handicrafts – just finished a cross-stitich project and now onto latch-hook
    • Family read-aloud


    • Our World Geography
    • Beautiful Girlhood + companion guide
    • Artistic Pursuits
    • piano/violin lesson
    • book of mottoes
    • book of centuries
    • nature study

    The kids use their music in church together – violin, viola and piano so our hymn work occurs that way.



    I, too, have moments when I wonder if we are doing enough and wondering if we are doing too much. It usually helps to talk to my husband at times like that, or my mother who, thankfully, is supportive and encouraging. And of course to jump on this website to get ideas! 🙂 Here is how we are currently doing things for my 10 yr old independant learner, though it is always changing:

    Family Work –

    A Child’s Geography 2x wk

    Art/Music Study 2x wk

    History 2x wk and/or independant reading from SCM guide

    Occassional Nature Study

    Spanish 2x wk plus vocab games

    Family Read Aloud – usually 2 books going

    Independant work:

    Journaling 2x wk 10 min

    Math 3x wk – Rightstart, plus lots of games

    Science – 2x wk Apologia Flying Creatures

    Written Narration 1x wk

    Spelling Wisdom 2x wk

    Cursive copywork 3x wk

    Primary Language Lessons 3x wk

    Map Drill 2x wk

    Typing 4x wk

    Logic workbook 2x wk

    Usually 1 or 2 literature books going

    Work on Cubscout Goals as needed

    He is drawing and building Legos in every minute of free time 🙂


    Charlene what is World of the week?

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