List of Living Books for Math

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  • greenebalts

    I have been doing research on various math programs and found this list of Children’s Books in Mathematics.  It looks like a list of living math books.  They are sorted by fiction and non-fiction, by age, and math subject. 



    Enjoy! Melissa

    Thanks for sharing that Melissa, it looks really interesting :o)


    Thanks for posting this list.  It looks good at this point.

    I have been dissapointed in all the math “programs/methods/whatnot” I’ve tried thus far not because I don’t see the skills being learned but because they are so unrelevent to life/math’s practical purpose.  I’ve recently discovered in my grandmother’s books a few gems by David Eugene Smith from the early 1900’s.  Lots of oral work and word problems within an everyday model (however old it may be!) that look a lot more like what I’ve seen of Charlotte’s math.  They are all available free on Google books.  I also found several copies on Amazon too. 


    Thanks for posting this!  I want to beef up my living math section in my library.  Another great older, thus OOP, series is the Young Math series.  There are several and some are pricey.  I don’t own them all but the ones I do have are excellent.  My 8yo loves the Roman Numerals one.    I’ll look into David Eugene Smith!

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