Thank you so much for posting this link! I have been interested in teaching my kiddos the old hymns that my grandmother used to sing. My parents attend a small, country church and they still use old hymnals from the early 1900’s. Just this morning, I sent my father an email asking him to please send me any old hymnals that were to be discarded. Even if that doesn’t pan out, hopefully I can find some “oldies but goodies” on the cyberhymnal site.
Our favorite place to sing along with hymns is YouTube. You can find any version you could ask for…traditional, country, contemporary. It’s fun…we like to try them all.
I just came across They have a “search” tutorial on their main site on how to use this site. You can search hymns by the book, chapter and verse of the bible, title, etc. It has great info on it.
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