Life Science + Nature Study + labs??? = High School Biology

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Life Science + Nature Study + labs??? = High School Biology

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  • Jenielle

    I have four kids:  1st grade level(advanced learner), 6th grade level, 8th grade level and 9th grade level.  I have noticed many of the examples for high school transcripts have biology w/lab.  The oldest two have tried Apologia Science and there was just too much boring reading(according to my kiddos). 

    We are new to CM and so we are going to be starting our Nature Study w/sketcbooks this year.  We are going to be using Handbook of Nature Study by Anna Botsford Comstock.  We are also going to be using some other books I found:  Drawn to Nature Through the Journals of Clare Walker Leslie by Leslie , The Country Diary of An Edwardian Lady by Edith Holden and Keeping a Nature Journal by Clare Walker Leslie & Charles E. Roth.  We also have various field guides by DK Eyewitness Books(Insects, Birds of the World, Herbs, Butterflies and Moths, and Trees). 

    I also picked up a couple of different books about the Human Body on different age levels on clearance at Borders.  We were planning to go through those also.  All of these things are considered Life Science.  I also have McGraw Hill Textbooks for 1st – 6th grade for Science as a reference, that we could use too.  I would like to make what we have work for all of the kids, so we can do science together.  I think that I still need to add probably a higher level of textbook for the older two.  I am doing the same things for my 8th and 9th grader.  I also think that I need to add some labs, in order for this to be considered Biology.  What other things would you add to make this more of a High School level Biology…without breaking the bank?  I am trying to utilize as much of the stuff that I already have as possible.  We will also be our library as a resource.  

    Has anyone used anything from this website?  called Home Science Tools.

    What would you get in addition to what I have, to make what I have a more complete High School Biology course? 






    My dc are much younger, so I can’t help much in helping you decide if you have a full credit biology course. I do want to recommend a book, though. It was very popular during science project time when I worked in a public library: A+ Projects in Biology by Janice Vancleave (not sure if her last name is one word or two; I’ve seen it both ways). She also has a blog, but I don’t know the address. Just google the name. All of her books are excellent. She has a whole series of A+ books as well as younger versions (Biology for Every Kid, etc.) Worth looking into for labs (except maybe dissection).


    Karen Smith

    General Biology would include a study of the basic structure and function of a cell, plant cells, animal cells, single-celled organisms, animal and plant classification, general study of birds and animals, and an introductory study of the systems of the body. From the resources you listed you seem to have the human body covered and a general study of birds and animals. You would need to add books on cells and classification of plants/animals. Your older students should study the functions of each part of a cell.

    Labs for biology usually include microscope work and dissection. Microscope work would involve looking through a microscope at commercially prepared slides of plant and animal cells, preparing your own slides of cheek cells and onion cells, and preparing a slide of pond water. The student would also draw what they saw through the microscope. Dissection is usually limited to earthworms, crayfish, fish, and frogs. Again, labeled drawings would be completed.

    I have ordered many things from Home Science Tools over our fifteen years of homeschooling. They are the first place I look when I need anything for science. I have been pleased with the quality of the items I’ve ordered and have never had a problem with their service.

    Hope that helps.


    Believe it or not…..after much prayer and contemplation.  I have decided to go with Apologia Biology and The Handbook of Nature Study as my main curriculum for Biology.  After coming across a great website that I found on here, which links the two…..I have just decided to go that route.

    I may not be as rigorous as it suggests, but I don’t want to limit the information that my kiddos get.  There are two options.  I have not decided which direction that I will go.  I think that it will give them a stronger base for science by doing this. 

    Science has never been something that I excelled in…possibly because I was in the regular school system.  I just don’t want to deprive them of what this could give them, because of my apprehension.  Structure is something that I lack, but also something my kiddos seem to desire.  So, in order to help with that balance, I believe that this option is best.  

    I was able to get the Apologia book from Ebay for $26.  So, I was able to make it economical too!  I also plan to supplement with Living Books, because my kids LOVE to read!  

    Thanks for the suggestions!  I appreciate it!  


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