You don’t need the whole set for sure. We started with LOF Fractions b/c I had a DC who desperately needed to like math again and he needed help with fractions. It was a great fit for us. He was technically in 5th grade that year, though he was 11. I very quickly added LOF Decimals and Percents to our library, and have since purchased LOF Pre-Algebra I. I would love more but we haven’t needed them at the moment, so I have refrained.
I haven’t seen the younger elementary ones, but some people are loving those. I would think your 7YO would be in one of those, but I am not sure which one.
I bought the entire LOF elementary set. My ds8 and dd11 are working through them at their own paces. Everything thus far has been easy for both, but enjoyable and they have seen some of why math is helpful. DS is in butterflies and dd is in farming. At this point, these are like bonus candy. The kids do them bc thy like them and want to see what comes next. Dd will finish the elem series in the next few weeks and will start the fractions book in August with 6th grade. I imagine she’ll slow with that one. Ds8 will likely finish butterflies and cats in the next few weeks and then complete 3 or maybe more books next year. We are using these alongside math u see.
If they are not up to fractions, I would start at the beginning of the elementary series. They should be able to go through the first books quickly, but they do introduce some concepts that your kids may not have encountered like sets so I wouldn’t jump into the middle of the elementary series.
I agree. The recommendation is that you begin the elementary series at the beginning. I think this is to lay foundation concepts. I would also think the storyline would make more sense too. My 7yo began with Apples and it seems very easy but introduces concepts not usually seen so early.
Thanks again, ladies. After looking at LDImom’s link, I figured Apples would be best for both of my boys. I may purchase the one right after to have the second one on hand, especially for the oldest of the two.
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