I just watched the video on the other thread about the lies homeschooling moms believe. I haven’t read the book, but wondering what are some lies you believe about homeschooling, family life, parenting, etc….? For a mix of fun and honesty, wondering if any of you have any nagging thoughts during your day that cause you to think you’re not measuring up to the standard, when you either are probably doing just fine or the standard shouldn’t matter in the first place (the author of the book mentioned differences b/n God’s standard and man-made ones).
Mine would be that most other moms have their children up bright and early, fully dressed for the day, beds made, morning devotional, breakfast, hair combed, and teeth brushed all before starting school; all this in full cheerfulness with smiles and joy from each child. Or maybe this isn’t a lie? I’m sure many families are morning people and this happens. I’m sure with habit training early on this would be the norm. Having been at this for less than a year, we homeschool in our pj’s, don’t get our hair combed or get dressed for the day till we’re headed out the door somewhere. The kids’ beds get made when i change the sheets or their rooms get a thorough cleaning. I thought i would strive for the above ideal scenario, but wondering if it is reality for many. For us I don’t think it happens because I wasn’t made to do a morning routine growing up, then when I grew up I worked night shifts for over 10 years before having children. Thus, I’m in the habit of waiting to get ready for the day until we have to go somewhere. I often feel lazy because of this and wonder if I am training my kids in the habit of laziness. Or not? I think there are some things I do well in habit training, just not before 8 am. There are other possible lies I believe or have believed in the past. I have decided it all comes down to my personal walk with my Savior, and am trying to commit to giving up my own agenda for each day for His agenda. If I fully commit to surrendering each day to Him, He will help me prioritize daily chores ( perhaps adding in morning chores so my dc won’t grow lazy with their mornings or perhaps making beds and getting dressed right away isn’t a priority).
How about starting at 8:00 (not school, the morning routine) or whatever is comfortable for you. And decide on one thing to start with…not everything at once. Add one more when that’s rolling nicely…be cheerful yourself, and eventually they will follow! We’ve had to struggle with this too! No perfection here…just a lot of REAL LIFE! But order is very helpful – and I’m working toward that.
We don’t start schooling until around 10 or 11. Earlier if God preforms a miracle. 🙂 We do make sure we are dressed, teeth brushed, chores done etc. before school, however, that’s a relatively new thing for us. Scheduleing and cleaning are not my strong suits! But we’re not strict about getting dressed. If it’s really cold and we have no place to go, we may stay in our PJ’s. Not feeling well, we’ll stay in our PJ’s.
Flylady.net and Managers of their homes helped me alot with a cleaning schedule and in making a schedule to live by. 🙂
But youo are right – ask the Lord for guidance in what you need to work on, and he’ll guide you!
I second a whole lot of what you’re saying. Today was a bit of a “battle day” in my mind because my son came home from an overnight stay at his dad’s full of all kinds of talk about how I don’t care about him because I haven’t rushed him off to the dentist to check on a slow-to-erupt permanent tooth (his dad’s live-in girlfriend told him that)….I should have him in public school because he has no friends (again, the girlfriend told him this)….and a few other choice things that made me feel very sad.
All of this sadness took its toll as I looked around to see the chores left undone, the habits we’ve spent too little time on, and the difficulty I have getting things done while trying to settle down an agitated special needs child. I had the hardest time pushing away thoughts of being a bad parent, even though I kept telling myself that I am, in fact, a loving parent who tries hard to do what she thinks is best. Even my youngest daughter kept telling me, “You know that’s not true–you’re a good mom!” Her encouragement helped, but it was still a struggle.
You’re absolutely right about this coming down to one’s personal walk with Jesus; if I wasn’t close to Him at all, I’d be drowning in those negative thoughts from the Father of Lies. I would add that I know I sometimes feel so emotionally exhausted by family demands that I slide into semi-laziness because I long for time for myself. The funny thing is, the more I lament about not finding time for a short nap or a few moments to put my nose into a leisure book, the less time I actually spend on myself…..plus even less gets accomplished for the day! Sometimes I think I should just tell myself, “Too bad that you can’t go take a bubble bath; so what? Now just go wash some dishes!”
@ the OP….you sound like me! 🙂 I think everyone else has the morning routine down..and many do!! I feel like I am failing! We are not morning people..in fact I sometimes don’t feel well until the afternoon due to health issues and I don’t sleep well! We start school around 10 THEN we have chores in the afternoon. We usually are in PJs unless it is spring and then the boys will have on shorts. Hair combed??What is that?? LOL! My kids rarely come their hair..gasp! Well it is usually kept short…so when it is longer then they do brush it! But not everyday!
I also think that everyone eats better than we do..even though we eat a lot better than most PS families. Lots for veggies and fruit..but WE do eat or the kids eat a dessert of some sort every night!! Maybe 1 cookie or a handful of organic choc chips..but every night! We don’t grind our own wheat, make bread, or yogurt, or really hard stuff..LOL! But I want to!!!! So I feel guilty because of that!
I also feel like I am not giving enough chores or that I am not strict enough on them! I do have good boys..but I sometimes feel inadequate….and the list goes on!
Now that I was so transparent for the ladies here..blush..letting you know you are not alone!!
I do have a morning routine and my kids run like a well oiled machine. Most days anyway. But most of this is because of necessity. I work pm’s and don’t get to bed until 0130 so I need as much sleep as I can get. The kids get up at 0730 do chores which include getting dressed and brushing hair, and they eat breakfast on their own. By then I usually am up and they start exercising for 15 min or so before we start school at 0900. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays three of my four go to ps for art and phy ed class (new for us this year, which they really like but is hard on me, but that is another subject). So those days they are up at 0630 and on the bus at 0725. I go back to bed and get up to read a book to my youngest and then go get the others at 1030. Most days I stay in my pj’s until I get ready for work. I am at home and I want to be comfortable. My kids have occasional pj days too. It would probably be more if we didn’t go anywhere.
The things I worry about are not eating good enough meals although I also know we eat better than a lot of people. I also, and this comes especially after sending my kids to ps even if it is only for art and put ed, that we are way behind in writing and spelling. My third and fourth grader can’t even spell color words and some numbers! At least that is what happened today. I am looking back at the CM Companion and got some reminders and reassurances from that today.
I think we should go where we are led. If something bothers you then start working on fixing it. But know that somewhere out there is some one else having the same issues or worries.
Ok – I think everyone gets up at 6:00 to start school by 8:00. Everyone has their kids doing all the chores, and their bedrooms are neat and tidy. Kids obey immediately with no yelling, and play together with no fighting or arguing. Oh, and what they are playing is “history” from their schoolwork. They all do their schoolwork happily with family work with everyone cuddling on the couch listening and contributing, and their individual work in some comfy spot. House is just perfect.
And that is why I feel like I’m a horrible mom/teacher everyday… lol.
Boy! I wish my life was the way suzukimom said…we’ve already had a meltdown because PS is out for snow day, and I am insisting that we do stuff…like our handicrafts, creative art, and Shakespeare while it “warms” up outside so we can venture down to the creek to explore the frozen stuff for nature study, then home for hot chocolate and Thumbelina. Ugh…this is the stuff they beg to do ususally, so I am frustrated. I thought it sounded fun, especially since Dad is here to do it with us. It’s not even snow, it’s just ice.
I worry about my kids being behind in math…and I know that we love zoology, but not so much chemistry. Am I really preparing them to be ready for life? I don’t manage to do full school every.single.day of the week according to myideal schedule so I tend to stress over that. We do a lot, but I also tend to keep the kids indoors during PS hours so I don’t have to deal with the officials getting a phone call about my kids. sigh Occasionally, they do play history, so I guess I can put that in the “Good Me” bag, right? LOL
Then there are those days when we are fairly on top of it, and I like them so much. But the maintainence needed to do it every single day isn’t really practical for us to also ENJOY life, so I aim for them, but am learning to appreciate the journey instead of always crying over that sink of dishes. Usually the floors are tidy before bed in the main living area, but I also have learned that just as I like my stuff out during a project, so do my kids! That gave me “permission” to relax about the entire village of houses, people and animals on the floor, unless it is a big jumbled pile, grrrr!
Last night I left the kids coats hanging over the tub where they were drying, the toys on the floor, and put a towel over the little spot that was accidently peed in overnight so I didn’t have to find extra blankets for the couch. I usually have dishes in the sink to be washed…no dishwasher here. Am I a bad mom? Maybe, but I think it is more a reality than people want to admit out loud.
I tried to incorporate a schedule where we were up, dressed, with chores done by 9. But my older dd stresses out about her chores, doing them right. So getting all this done before we even began the schoolwork was too much for her. Now we are up, have breakfast, and do schoolwork in our pjs. Then we get dressed and do chores. It works out much better!
I don’t worry about not being perfect. My place gets picked up each day and as long as the kitchen is cleaned and laundry is done I don’t worry about it. If I planned to do something and it doesn’t get done I just try again the next day. I find that trying to make my homelife look what I think other people’s look like is fruitless. It is nice to hear what they do to get inspiration, though! We feel so busy everyday, and I see my kids making progress. Good enough! =)
I was thinking about my previous post, and thought I should clarify myself! We do dishes everyday (can’t eat if we don’t) but not after every meal. We never have a house where people aren’t welcome or I’d be embarassed to ask them in, but in real life, I am not the mom who insists on a picture perfect house every minute, or we wouldn’t be able to LIVE or LEARN. =) We do regularly clean and do laundry (and change wet sheets). 😉
I think we all have our insecurities in homeschooling and parenting! We are up, fed, dressed, chores done (mostly by the children) and have started school before 9am. We are also done by lunch. That’s just us. With pregnant mom versus seven young children routine for our morning is essential for survival. Then afternoons and evenings are free. My kids don’t always enjoy their schoolwork and sometimes we even have meltdowns over it!
However my sister homeschools her four kids and they are totally our opposite. She sleeps in, the older boys get up to spend time playing video games and they feed the little girls. They don’t have chores and they usually begin homeschool in the afternoon on purpose. It works perfectly for them!
I think we give ourselves far to little grace. Each family is individual and our homeschooling and family routines should reflect that!! Of course my husband has to remind me of that some days..LOL.
My biggest insecurity at the moment is probably with my oldest, the guinea pig for everything. I haven’t seen yet that trusting this CM method will bear fruit in Middle School and High School, so I’ve had to sit on my hands some as she’s well into 6th grade so I don’t get all crazy and add things to her workload just because of my own insecurity.
Ah yes, Tristan, I agree with that. I feel so sorry for Delta at times as he has been the main guinea pig as I strive to find what works best for the family. We have used 3-4 different handwriting programs (Cursive First, Pencil Pete, Peterson, Italics…), 2 math programs (MEP, RS), 4-5 different CM programs (AO-MA combined, then AO-MA combined a different way, the the Mentoring, a bit of my own, a bit of SCM, now AO….)