Liberty's Kids DVD set for $10

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History Liberty's Kids DVD set for $10

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  • Wings2fly

    My kids love history and they love this series. It was on Netflix streaming a few years ago and they took it off. I wanted to buy it but these past few months it was about $100 through 3rd party dealers. I see that Amazon has this 6 disc set for $50 again. But I found out today on Amazon that it is being released again on July 16, 2013 as a 4 disc set for about $10! I am pre-ordering!


    Pre-ordered also! Thanks for sharing!!


    Amazing price! I ordered it about a year ago when they were having a sale – nowhere near that price!


    Oh thanks for the heads up!


    just curious but for what age would you recommend these movies?


    I was curious too and one review said kids and adults alike will like the videos. I figured for $10, I really couldn’t go wrong – I’ve never watched them before, but it was worth the gamble to me. 🙂


    My girls ages 6-13 enjoy it.  I like it, too!  What a deal.  I paid a lot more when I bought it for them for Christmas.


    We watched them on youtube this year.  They are absolutely great videos, enjoyed by my 8 and 6 year olds.  They could tell me all about George Washington, Ben Franklin and Benedict Arnold 🙂


    When my first born was 6 years old and they were on Netflix, he was not interested. But he also had not learned much about American history yet. I think they need a bit of a reference to understand the historical figures and what is going on. Since then, we have done module 5 and he loved to watch them at age 8. We had watched one disc at a time through Netflix dvd service. Also his 6 yo sister likes them. I think Amazon said age 7 and up. My husband and I liked to watch them with the children. But they wanted to watch them over and over again whereas I was good with just the one viewing for the time being.


    thankyou all! i have an almost 5yo girl and wasnt sure if it would be quite right for her age yet…then i looked around and saw youtube has them and our local library as well so i dont think i will purchase just yet, but they sure look like a great future resource!


    pre-ordered too!! I think this could be good when we do American history…

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