Letters from Egypt-They don't like it

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    I am using SCM ancient Egypt study guide with my second (8 yrs.) and fourth (10 yrs.) graders.  We just started reading from the book Letters from Egypt today and my second grade ds hated it.  He just kept saying “mom, I don’t understand one word you just said.”  I tried to stop and explain some of the reading, but it just got to be too much, and his attention started wandering.  The only things he could remember for his narration were a few facts that he was able to understand.  I understand the value of reading books aloud to younger kids that have a rich vocabulary and are well written, but my son expressed to me that he HATED the book and never wants to read from it again.  SO…what should I do?  Should I make him listen to me read it or should I excuse him from the reading?  My fourth grader was able to give decent narration, but some aspects of the writing went over her head as well.  Should I continue to read the book, letting the kids take from it what they can however small that might be, and be happy that I am exposing them to rich language that will benefit them in the future…even though they don’t like it?

    I don’t want them to dread it when I open the book…I want our history studies to be enjoyable.  I am confused.  I personally LOVE this book.  I have read way far ahead in it and I wish my young children could glean from it’s pages all that it has to offer.

    Any advice?  Anyone else reading this book to young children, and if so, what has been their response to it?


    I actually do not know the book you are talking about, but I would think that if you have given the book a fair chance and tried to make it work and it doesn’t – then it is time to find a more suitable alternative.  When a book causes such strong feelings, maybe it is time to shelve it for a while, the last thing you want to do is turn a child off history lessons.  Books can be very personal, even children have likes and dislikes.  Maybe the time has come with this particular book to find another.  Sometimes I had to give up on recommended books for a while because my daughters did not like or get them, I had no problem doing that – I kept the book and nine times out of ten, they did eventually read the disliked book.  I am sure there are many reading the book who have ideas, and maybe even an alternative for you.


    I ordered Letters From Egypt for our family last year but found our 8 yo and 10 yo were not old enough to appreciate it.  I ended up reading it myself and truly enjoyed it.  I will save it as a family read aloud for our next go around of ancient history when the kids are a bit older. 


    I’m having my oldest daughter read it independently next school year.  She will be doing 9th grade work.  I know my son won’t be appreciative yet. Wink



    I ordered it but didn’t use it (my girls are 4 &7)  I wanted it for myself and for when we do mod 1 again.  I felt like Boy of the Pyramids was plenty and they loved it.  Along with the other recommended reading and activities I feel this was enough history/geography for their age.  I would stop the fight, enjoy it yourself with some chocolate, and try again your next time through.


    Thanks for all the advice, I think I will just enjoy it myself and save it for our next go around.  Just curious, are the other books recommend for the family going to be okay to read to kids this young...The Mystery of the Hieroglyphics and Pyramid,  or should I wait on these as well?  I haven’t ordered either of them yet.


    My 1st grader got quite a bit out of the Mystery of the Hieroglyphs. When we were finished with it, though, she was disappointed that she wouldn’t be able to read Ancient Egyptian writing fluently just by reading the book. 🙂 Both my 4 and 6 year old enjoyed Pyramid (and so did I!)



    HOD recommended a book in Preparing called The 5,000 Year Old Puzzle:  Solving a Mystery of Ancient Egypt.  It might be a good substitute.


    We read Boy of the Pyramids late last year and my boys really liked it.  They were 10 and 7 at the time.  My 10 yo would request it for read aloud time:)

    Have not tackled Letters from Egypt yet, we’ll see:)

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