Letters From Egypt Dissatisfaction

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  • Mrs_Longworth

    My 8 and 11 year old are not enjoying Letters From Egypt. I was thinking of subbing King of the Wind, which takes place in Morocco around the same time period. Is that an appropriate substitute? Or should I focus on Egypt? Any other recommendations?


    What time period is that one?


    It’s an optional book in the Genesis and Ancient Egypt study, isn’t it?


    If it goes with Ancient Egypt, we LOVED The God King.

    Karen Smith

    I don’t know if you have the current Genesis through Deuteronomy & Ancient Egypt lesson plans book or if you have an older edition. In the current lesson plans book we schedule Letters from Egypt as an optional book to read for geography for grades 4-12. Because it is optional and because your kids are young, feel free to skip it. There is no need to substitute another book for it.


    King of the Wind is a really good book. There are a number of references to Islam in the first few chapters, just FYI.

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